WATCH THIS!! It's about the #OcoeeMassacre concerning #votingrights
#StayWoke #RacismInAmerica #AmericanHorrorStories
#DeSantisIsAFascist #DeSantisIsUnfitForOffice #DeSantisIsARacist #DontSayDeSantis
#DontSayDeSantis #desantisisaracist #desantisisunfitforoffice #desantisisafascist #AmericanHorrorStories #racisminamerica #staywoke #VotingRights #OcoeeMassacre
#DeSantisIsAFascist #DeSantisIsUnfitForOffice #DeSantisIsARacist #DontSayDeSantis #VoteThemAllOut #Repugnacans #TraitorsToAmerica #FearForTheFuture #RepublicansAreTheProblem
#RepublicansAreTheProblem #fearforthefuture #traitorstoamerica #repugnacans #VoteThemAllOut #DontSayDeSantis #desantisisaracist #desantisisunfitforoffice #desantisisafascist
Saying "blacks learned [valuable] skills" is simply a way for the Right to minimize the horror of slavery to make it not seem so bad (goes hand-in-hand with forbidding the teaching of anything that makes white kids "feel bad.")
ANYTIME someone tries to express a "Lemonade from Lemons" defense against any atrocity (including the #Holocaust), they are trying to minimize that atrocity. #SlaveSkills #Slavery #RacistGOP #DeSantisIsARacist #TrumpIsARacist
#slaveskills #slavery #racistgop #desantisisaracist #trumpisaracist #holocaust