He will never get the votes! 🙌
#DeSantisIsAFascist #DeSantisIsUnfitForOffice
#LGBTQIA #SayGay #protecttranskids
#ProtectTransKids #saygay #LGBTQIA #desantisisunfitforoffice #desantisisafascist
WATCH THIS!! It's about the #OcoeeMassacre concerning #votingrights
#StayWoke #RacismInAmerica #AmericanHorrorStories
#DeSantisIsAFascist #DeSantisIsUnfitForOffice #DeSantisIsARacist #DontSayDeSantis
#DontSayDeSantis #desantisisaracist #desantisisunfitforoffice #desantisisafascist #AmericanHorrorStories #racisminamerica #staywoke #VotingRights #OcoeeMassacre
#DeSantisIsAFascist #DeSantisIsUnfitForOffice #DeSantisIsARacist #DontSayDeSantis #VoteThemAllOut #Repugnacans #TraitorsToAmerica #FearForTheFuture #RepublicansAreTheProblem
#RepublicansAreTheProblem #fearforthefuture #traitorstoamerica #repugnacans #VoteThemAllOut #DontSayDeSantis #desantisisaracist #desantisisunfitforoffice #desantisisafascist
"In America the State cannot punish you for speaking your mind."
That sentence in Disney's complaint says it all! This ball is well hit, it's a homerun!
#DeSantisBetrayedFlorida #desantisisunfitforoffice #desantisisdictatorial
"There's 2 inches and 30 seconds I'll never get back."
How many times has Ron DeSantis's wife thought that?
Ron DeSantis’s alleged wild nights with illegally-drinking underaged-teen girls revealed
#voteblueallthewaydowntheballot #repulicanhypocrite #countryoverparty #VoteBlue #desantisisunfitforoffice
☝︎ Ron DeSantis was a teacher in a private high school & he went to parties with the kids, where there was underage drinking & he took pictures and cozied up with the girls who were not at all age of consent.
#voteblueallthewaydowntheballot #countryoverparty #VoteBlue #desantis #desantisisunfitforoffice
Several students recalled that Mr. DeSantis was a frequent presence at parties with the seniors who lived in town. Most spoke about socializing with him on the condition of anonymity because they feared backlash for speaking publicly about it.
“As an 18-year-old, I remember thinking, ‘What are you doing here, dude?’” one former student said.
🤬🤬🤬🤬 #DeSantis #DeSantisIsUnfitForOffice #DeSantisDestroysFlorida #DeSantisFailedFL #DeSantisHumanTrafficker #DeSantisIsAFascist #trumpsupporter #trumpers #TraitorsToAmerica
#traitorstoamerica #Trumpers #trumpsupporter #desantisisafascist #desantishumantrafficker #desantisfailedfl #DesantisDestroysFlorida #desantisisunfitforoffice #desantis