August Dispatch: Music on Repeat vol. 4
The end of any summer always brings the inevitable - the impending doom of returning to the office and the end of our beloved festival season.... #Music #CandiCarpenter #DescartesAKant #FooFighters #ManchesterOrchestra #MusicOnRepeat #NovaTwins #QueensOfTheStoneAge #TheBigMoon #WynonaBleach #YeahYeahYeahs
#music #candicarpenter #descartesakant #foofighters #manchesterorchestra #musiconrepeat #novatwins #QueensOfTheStoneAge #thebigmoon #wynonableach #yeahyeahyeahs
Descartes A Kant – After Destruction
Prepare yourselves for something off the beaten track as Descartes A Kant prepare to deliver their fourth album. Loosely collected under the broad term of art rock, the previous albums are an eye-opening musical curation - occasionally noise-rock, sometimes embodying punk, often off-kilter odd, and always a fascinating listen.
'Afte... #Music #SingleReviews #DescartesAKant
#music #singlereviews #descartesakant
Yes, this is how to get my attention. We’ll done, DaK:
Oigan que buena rola acaba de sacar #DescartesAKant la neta
Se las dejo si no la han escuchado aún. Y el disco sale en Septiembre
After Destruction -