I’ve always imagined that when you are that good of an actor, maybe you start blurring the lines of what you feel & what your character feels and it gets confusing.
You know how if you fake a smile, you eventually start to feel happier. I wonder if you fake love, will you eventually feel love?
But that love, whether fake or real, really came through in “Descendants of the Sun”. It also came through in “Crash Landing on You”, where the leads ended up married there too.
#kdrama #descendantsofthesun #crashlandingonyou
I had been watching the odd #kdrama for a few yrs before stumbling across #DescendantsOfTheSun on Nfx. Totally bingeable. And of course the pretty element doesn't hurt either 😉
I’m on episode 12 right now and it’s one of my favorites ever. Loving it!
Wanted to thank you for your review. It moved this up on my watch list and I just started.
I love Song Joong Ki in Vincenzo and he’s excellent here too.
It is so good!! I didn’t realize Kim Ji Won was in it - she hasn’t factored in much, but everything I’ve seen her in has been quality.
#kDrama #DescendantsOfTheSun #SongJoongKi #SongHyeKyo #JinGoo #KimJiWon
#kdrama #descendantsofthesun #songjoongki #songhyekyo #jingoo #kimjiwon
Yesterday I watched last episode of Descendants Of The Sun and I can only say wow!
Amazing action scenes, filming location, visual effects (quite rare in a drama!). Quite some laughing too. And the casting was spot-on. I'm so going to see more dramas with Song Joong-ki!
Vote: 10/10
#kdrama #descendantsofthesun #songjoongki
I am a bit jealous of all the folks who have watched the #kdrama #RebornRich as I am saving it to watch with Spouse, but we are slowly watching #BadProsecutor right now. I try to purposely keep series that I think he'll enjoy, and it isn't often we watch one I didn't watch through first. He really enjoyed #Vincenzo and #DescendantsOfTheSun with Song Joong-Ki, so I figure he will probably enjoy Reborn Rich, too.
(Joong-Ki has his pick of what shows he's in, so I know it will be good.)
#kdrama #rebornrich #badprosecutor #Vincenzo #descendantsofthesun
I started watching Descendants Of The Sun last night. Only one episode so far because I started watching it at like 11pm.
Prior to this, I'd only seen Song Joongki in Vincenzo so was excited to see him in something else and, so far, I'm impressed!
#SongJoongki #DescendantsOfTheSun #KDrama #KDramas #Vincenzo
#songjoongki #descendantsofthesun #kdrama #kdramas #vincenzo
Let’s do a proper introduction! First, for my love for Korean entertainment and #Kdrama! I love #YookSungjae #KimSeonho #ParkBogum #LeeJunho #SongJihyo #ChaEunwoo and #LeeSangyi. I also like #SongHyekyo and #SongJoongki. I love #HometownChachacha #Goblin #DescendantsOfTheSun #TheRedSleeve #RunningMan #2D1N. I watch a lot of Korean variety shows and #Kdramas. I’ll probably be posting a lot of Kim Seonho content here. :)
#kdrama #yooksungjae #kimseonho #parkbogum #leejunho #songjihyo #chaeunwoo #leesangyi #songhyekyo #songjoongki #hometownchachacha #goblin #descendantsofthesun #theredsleeve #runningman #2d1n #kdramas