#BALLS #barstool #callaway #Descript #Golf #Golfballs #golfballsvideos #golfballsvlog #golfballsYouTube #GolfEquipment #golfequipmentvideos #golfequipmentvlog #golfequipmentYouTube #golfpodcast #Golfreview #golftees #golfteesvideos #golfteesvlog #golfteesYouTube #mygolfspy #pga #pgatour #Podcast #Taylormade #Titleist
#balls #barstool #callaway #descript #golf #golfballs #golfballsvideos #golfballsvlog #golfballsyoutube #golfequipment #golfequipmentvideos #golfequipmentvlog #golfequipmentyoutube #golfpodcast #golfreview #golftees #golfteesvideos #golfteesvlog #golfteesyoutube #mygolfspy #pga #pgatour #podcast #taylormade #titleist
The #1 Golf Hybrid of 2023
#Data #Descript #Discover #DIY #Golf #golf2023 #GolfClubs #golfclubshybrids #golfclubshybridsvideos #golfclubshybridsvlog #golfclubshybridsYouTube #golfclubsvideos #golfclubsvlog #golfclubsYouTube #GolfEquipment #golfequipmentvideos #golfequipmentvlog #golfequipmentYouTube #golfgear #golfhybrids #golfhybridsvideos #golfhybridsvlog #golfhybridsYouTube #golfpodcast #Golfreview #Golftest #golftips #hybrid #pga #pgatour #testing
#data #descript #discover #diy #golf #golf2023 #golfclubs #golfclubshybrids #golfclubshybridsvideos #golfclubshybridsvlog #golfclubshybridsyoutube #golfclubsvideos #golfclubsvlog #golfclubsyoutube #golfequipment #golfequipmentvideos #golfequipmentvlog #golfequipmentyoutube #golfgear #golfhybrids #golfhybridsvideos #golfhybridsvlog #golfhybridsyoutube #golfpodcast #golfreview #golftest #golftips #hybrid #pga #pgatour #testing
Anybody experienced with #Descript who could answer a basic question about combining multiple #audio files into a multitrack sequence? #podcasting
I'm making a video version for one of the podcasts I work on and I need to crossfade JPG images, one into the other. I knew how to do this in the past but I guess this shiny new version of Descript does it differently + I can't figure it out. Descript’s tutorial hasn't been updated (grrr) so it's no help, and no one's answered this question in the Descript Discord.
Does anyone know how to crossfade images in Descript 63.1.1? I'm going crazy here!
Ars Technica: Adobe teases generative AI video tools #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #text-basedediting #AdobePremierePro #machinelearning #AdobeFirefly #ProjectBlink #videoediting #AdobeSensei #ModelScope #Descript #Biz&IT #Runway #Adobe #Tech #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #text #AdobePremierePro #machinelearning #adobefirefly #projectblink #videoediting #adobesensei #modelscope #descript #biz #runway #adobe #ai
Adobe teases generative AI video tools - Enlarge / A demo of Firefly AI generation in Adobe Premiere. (credit: A... - #text-basedediting #adobepremierepro #machinelearning #adobefirefly #projectblink #videoediting #adobesensei #modelscope #descript #biz #runway #adobe #tech #ai
#ai #tech #adobe #runway #biz #descript #modelscope #adobesensei #videoediting #projectblink #adobefirefly #machinelearning #adobepremierepro #text
I like how #Descript chose “none of the above” when faced with “make your effects not suck” vs “support VST plugins.” VST is probably not feasible because they run in the browser and how would that even work?
I keep giving #Descript a try but I think I’m too particular and it’s missing too many features I consider kind of basic.
It kind of blows my mind #Descript doesn’t have a strip silence feature or VST plug-in support. Those are probably the two main things that will keep me using Logic forever. Oh, also that you have to go to the audio editor to fix crosstalk is petty nuts.
It feels like they’ve kind of pivoted to video where Descript absolutely shines and podcast editing is sort of legacy now.
It’s weird. It *seems* like #Descript should give me better and faster results than #LogicPro when editing a podcast, but that really doesn’t seem to be the case.
Probably if I wasn’t already comfortable using a DAW that would be true, but I’ve been using Logic so long it’s just easier for me to do the kind of editing I want to that way.
So I make content to help nerds be nerds and speak to the value of nerdy things. Anyways I’ve been using #Descript for the last couple projects and I’ve got to say it’s been the best experience. The transcription is the best I’ve seen out of 4-5 apps thus far. The ability to edit the video just by deleting words in the transcript saves so much time. And the simple VTT export makes my videos accessible to all! #tech #contentcreation #enablement
#descript #tech #contentcreation #enablement
#Descript is an #AI powered tool that transcribes videos into text which can be edited in a document #editor. This allows the editor to delete filler words and rearrange sentences and paragraphs in text form instead of cutting and moving video clips on a #timeline.
#descript #ai #editor #timeline
It's #FollowFriday!
Here are some people I have really enjoyed interacting with here in the last few days!
@evantesseract @IronicPollyana
Also: I'm interested in all things #queer, #nocode, #softr, #airtable, #descript, #caturday, #CatsOfMastodon, #quaker, and #accessibility. Just to name a few. So follow me! (If you want to.)
#followfriday #queer #nocode #softr #airtable #descript #caturday #catsofmastodon #quaker #accessibility
@markmcelroy I love #Descript too. Been using it for over a year and has allowed me to produce over a hundred videos rather easily.
As someone with more than 20 years in the #VideoProduction industry (who now is a team of one producing #YouTube content for myself and a few others), I gotta say that #Descript is a revolution. In addition to lightning-fast (and fairly accurate) #transcripts, #Descript really does make rough editing as simple as typing, backspacing, copying, and pasting.
I have a lot to learn ... but for now, i'm enjoying a great big helping of #AwesomeSauce every time I open it.
#videoproduction #youtube #descript #transcripts #awesomesauce
Any fellow podcast editors out there using Descript? (We're all using that by now, I guess …)
The new update is dope and a few of my annoyances were happily addressed. But now I'm having lots of problems editing in sequence view. Sometimes I can delete a section I highlight and sometimes I can't, no discernible rhyme or reason. Anyone else seeing the same?
(I did file a support ticket but that doesn't help with what I'm working on *right now* ugh.)
#Descript #podcasting