With BeMyAI and Lookout on the rise and existing services like Seeing AI and Envision being out there, it seems like a lot of #blind people are trying to become familiar with phone cameras and their interfaces. There are a lot of questions about camera positioning--e.g., how to point, how to stand, what will be covered, etc.
Would it be helpful to have an article or an audio tutorial that covers these topics?
#description #accessibility #a11y #photography #photos
#Photos #Photography #a11y #Accessibility #description #blind
#WordWeavers 06: My considerations on whether to use or leave out #Detailed #Description:
1) Is the #Detail important to the story? Will it come back around and resonate later?
2) Is this the right moment in the story for a detailed description? Do I have time or would it ruin the urgency of a moment?
#wordweavers #detailed #description #detail
I hear "Suits" is a pretty popular watch these days. Anyone know if it's described? I'm not currently subscribed to netflix.
#describedvideo #blind #AudioDescription #description
@rbanffy #description "Two panel photo montage, top: a white woman standing in front of an old castle, wearing a buttoned up blue shirt and a coat, with long hair tied behind her head, says « Dungeons and Dragons is the most popular table top game with Americans because it allows them to fulfill their wildest fantasies ».
Bottom panel: the same woman, a bit closer, continues « Like speaking multiple languages and being able to make a living while freelancing »"
Good evening from here Mastodon, my son chose to watch the movie Cars 2 today. I have to say it's nice to watch movies I grew up trying to muddle through and enjoy them with #description thanks to services like #disney describing a lot of their back catalog. It's definitely something I'm thankful for. Hope everybody is well.
@sfdb #description «A political cartoon showing a thief, in front of a bank, with a bag of money on the floor aside him, he is raising his arms and kneeling on the floor, around him, three policemen, one getting out of a police car, are pointing guns at him. The thief is saying "I'm announcing my run for president and asking the judge to delay my trial until after the election…"
The drawing is signed by Mike Luckovich, for the Atlanta Journal Constitution, and is dated 7-12-23.»
@rodbuaiz #description "A political cartoon showing four humanized cats, behind a large desk, wearing suits and raising their arms, one of them holding a comic book titled "maus" and saying 'all in favor of banning this book say meow', a cardboard in front of them displays 'all americans schoolboard'. Behind the cats, two american flags are visible. In front of the desk, a mouse, with a schoolbag, looks at them in disbelief.
Artwork is signed by Andy Marlette, for "news journal" copyright 2022"
If you like to take pictures on your iPhone, but do not know how to add a description to it, here is how...
1, Double Tap on the picture you want to add the description.
2, Choose Edit near the top of the screen.
3, In the pop up menu, choose Mark Up.
4, In the Mark Up menu, near the end of the list, choose add.
5, And from the add menu, choose descripsion.
6, You will find an edit field, so type the descripsion for the picture, and then choose done.
7, Then swipe and choose done again.
8, And lastly, swipe and choose done again.
Now your descripsion has ben added to the picture, so now when you swipe through your pictures, you will know what that picture is.
#iPhone #Tip #Photo #Description #iOS #Blind #Accessible
#iphone #tip #photo #description #ios #blind #accessible
When there are photos without descriptions published, and then boosted, do we block original publisher only, or also the booster ? Or is all this blocking just too severe ?
#description #alt #duck #river
#description #alt #duck #river
Rather than being repeatedly frustrated when seeing someone's posts with photos attached that have no #descriptions, I've just decided to unfollow them despite having certain afinities with them.
*Yes. It's the same person about whom I subtooted the other day.*
Liberals, you need to check your allyship card. If you're not including #disabled people in that group, you're not a true #ally. All you are doing is pretending.
#description #alttext #blind #Accessibility #ally #disabled #descriptions
@DylanTheThomas Consider what the reason for posting your screen shot is. As you're thinking about adding the #description, it's important to get the focus conveyed at the very least. In general, including all the text along with conveying the focal info should be done. What you include or not include will also depend on the context you provide in your post that's not a part of the photo.
Feel free to ask questions.
#11y #Accessibility #description
[Image #description: a #tweet by Patrick Lenton (@/PatrickLenton): my only wish for myself is to always be the sitcom B plot. You main character assholes are getting dumped at the altar or dying from too much amnesia or getting stranded on an island, but me? I'm dealing with Too Many Beets, or I found $100 on the road, or a bird is very there End ID]
Here is your periodic reminder that if you drop a #link without a #description in a #toot on #Mastodon and that's a usual thing with you, I'm #muting or #blocking you.
If you are also a #Medium writer I may block you there too. Bare links on Mastodon often equate with shit writing on Medium.
I've muted or blocked a bunch of folks already today.
#link #description #toot #mastodon #muting #blocking #medium
このWebページは「クソまみれ理論 発祥の地」であり、著者が長年禁じていた長文の執筆を解禁し、存分に筆を走らせ(滑らせ)タイピングが炸裂した記念碑的作品でもある。これらのコンテンツ制作が終わった時点で星野かなたは物書きとしての自覚が芽生え、のちに大文豪と名乗るほどの有り余る才能を加速させていく。その点に関しては非常に意義深く、大きなターニングポイントとなった品であるが、中身を見てみると雑多な話題に関連して愚痴を綴っただけのしょうもない事柄が大半を占め、メインであるクモ恐怖症を克服するための動画に至ってはメソッドを伝えるための字幕が失われており、タイトルと本文の内容も乖離している。よって評価は星3つ止まり。
Wow. When politics rears its ugly head even here, we see the true face. Oodles of undescribed images show up when there's absolutely no reason for them.
#alttext #description #alt #blind #Accessibility
Here is your reminder that if you #toot a #link without a #description you're going to be #muted or blocked.
I just #blocked someone over this #crap. I'm tired of this. There's no reason for me to follow your link if you don't tell me what I'm going to find at the other end.
I have a finite amount of time to devote to reading toots, and if you make it difficult for me to know what it is you are posting, then you, my friend, are the low hanging fruit.
#toot #link #description #muted #blocked #crap #mastodon #spam #lowhangingfruit
eicker.news #technews »It really is one of the best #productnames in #Apple history: #Vision is a #description of a product, it is an #aspiration for a #usecase, and it is a #critique on the sort of #society we are building.« https://stratechery.com/2023/apple-vision/
#technews #productnames #Apple #Vision #description #aspiration #usecase #critique #society
Here's your reminder that if you post a link without a description of what you're linking to, I'm going to ignore you.
#link #mastodon #toot #description
Rosa la cercava al buio, non aveva bisogno di vederla quella gonna. Rovistava nell’armadio e la consistenza delle piccole paillette, come tante scaglie di pesce, che al suo tocco si rialzavano, guidava la sua mano.
Riconosceva al tatto il suo colore, quel
verde acqua marina che rifletteva la luce come un trasparente mare tropicale e faceva vibrare ogni suo movimento in mille delicate promesse d’amore alla luce. L’avrebbe indossata quel giorno. Per credere di essere una sirena. #description