The Open World Assumption is an important paradigm of the #SemanticWeb. In our #ise2023 lecture we illustrate the #OWA with the help of allusion to a famous #MontyPython sketch...Can sheep fly?
#knowledgegraphs #descriptionlogics #lecture @fizise @enorouzi
P.S. Of course none of the students did know the sketch... #culturalheritage #ignorance
#semanticweb #ise2023 #owa #montypython #KnowledgeGraphs #descriptionlogics #lecture #culturalheritage #ignorance
#ESWC2023 20th Anniversary Panel is about to start with Asun Gomez-Perez, Dieter Fensel Ian Horrocks, Stefan Decker, and John Domingue
#SemanticWeb #ontologies #descriptionlogics #knowledgegraphs #reasoning
#eswc2023 #semanticweb #ontologies #descriptionlogics #KnowledgeGraphs #reasoning