IN case you didn't know, Google's Lookout app is now updated. It will provide better #photo #descriptions and will be able to anser questions based on photos. The updated app may only be available for Pixel phones for now. I'm not sure about this particular fact though.
#lookout #Android #a11y #Accessibility #descriptions #Photo
A note from a relatively old-hand at the #SocialMedia game- I may not be an expert but I know my way around it alright.
If you want to build a network, it *really* helps to:
Write a bio- even just a few things about what you like and stand for. Be bold- putting out the MOST likely things to chase away people you DON'T want around.
Use #ALTText for your pics- image #descriptions. This lets many MORE people experience your pics and can let you put in important context like WHAT the pic is.
#socialmedia #alttext #descriptions
So. It seems like those people who complain about being forced to write #photo #descriptions (i.e.,, complaints about being nagged about #AltText) will like Threads since you can't add alt texst on photos in the #iOS app. Congratulations. Meta has started a new Twitter with basic functionality missing. The app is also not optimized for navigation. It is almost accessible with a very few minor inaccessible things.
That's something, I suppose.
#iOS #threads #Meta #a11y #Accessibility #alttext #descriptions #Photo
@Mayana I LOVE #ALTText, even though it's not a necessity for me. I have always tried to keep it as vibrant and thorough as possible, saving my #descriptions in files for repeated use- one file for merch, one for selfies, and one for miscellaneous stuff like my logos and screenshots.
I've worked with the #disabled community for a long time- #inclusion is one of my core interests and callings.
#alttext #descriptions #disabled #inclusion
I've had a lot of new followers in the last few days. Welcome all. I have my intro pinned.
Please add your bio/intro to your profile. It helps with filtering out potential #spam bots.
I boost quite a few things here. Feel free to mute those boosts if you are overwelmed. It's one of the ways to discover other people and content.
I boost content that has photos with description. I'm #blind so rely on those #descriptions.
Enjoy this place. Great for convos.
#welcome #intro #descriptions #blind #spam
Happy to see that @auschwitzmuseum has started putting #descriptions on their photos.
Rather than being repeatedly frustrated when seeing someone's posts with photos attached that have no #descriptions, I've just decided to unfollow them despite having certain afinities with them.
*Yes. It's the same person about whom I subtooted the other day.*
Liberals, you need to check your allyship card. If you're not including #disabled people in that group, you're not a true #ally. All you are doing is pretending.
#description #alttext #blind #Accessibility #ally #disabled #descriptions
Paraphrased #HH_Pattee from the same source:
This “#error_duality” (error in the #descriptions or error in the #operation) can be identified at all organizational levels:
➡️ Computer programs may have either an error in the program itself (#software error) or an error may happen because of the machine (#hardware error) that executes an otherwise correct program.
➡️ At higher levels it is possible to make an error in the choice of algorithm which is being programmed or even make a mistake in the choice of problem that the developed algorithm is supposed to solve.
➡️ Similarly in social and political organizations we distinguish between a faulty policy and the failure to execute a policy properly.
In other words, we try to distinguish between the error in our #models of reality which leads to incorrect policies (#predictions and descriptions), and the error in #control #constraints which leads to a failure of a (good) policy implementation.
#HH_Pattee #error_duality #descriptions #operation #software #models #hardware #predictions #control #constraints
We haven't done much with #Bicycling #Monterey's YouTube channel—mostly because we provide and all bike advocacy projects to date (May 2009-April 2023) as a volunteer and simply can't do more tasks; and partly because #YouTube is a Google company.
Nonetheless, we posted our new video on YouTube this week "ANDAR EN BICICLETA EN LAS ACERAS además de ejemplos de ordenanzas del Condado de Monterey, California," including transcript/subtitles.
That motivated us to type up subtitles for 2 short #videos we'd previously posted on our channel: " - Sea Otter Classic, a Celebration of Cycling - Detox!" and " - HER Helmet Thursdays welcome from Alvarado St, Monterey."
We truly appreciate those (even bots) for reminding of importance of #subtitles, photo #descriptions, #AltText, etc. Just wish for more hours in the day to provide them, including time required to write better #PhotoDescriptions.
#Bicycling #monterey #youtube #videos #subtitles #descriptions #alttext #PhotoDescriptions #dowhatyoucan #BikeTooter
Encore une fois, pourriez-vous ajouter les #descriptions des #images que vous publiez sur #Mastodon afin de ne pas laisser sur la touche les personnes mal ou non-voyantes ?
C'est d'usage sur ce réseau de respecter les personnes en situation de #handicap. #Mastodon n'est pas un #Twitter bis.
Merci d'avance pour elles ! 😉
#twitter #handicap #mastodon #images #descriptions
Encore une fois, pourriez-vous ajouter les #descriptions des #images que vous publiez sur #Mastodon afin de ne pas laisser sur la touche les personnes mal ou non-voyantes ?
Merci d'avance pour elles ! 😉
#mastodon #images #descriptions
Bonjour #ForceOuvrière
Pourriez-vous ajouter les #descriptions des #images que vous publiez sur #Mastodon afin de ne pas laisser sur la touche les personnes mal ou non-voyantes ?
Merci d'avance pour elles ! 😉
#mastodon #images #descriptions #forceouvriere
Bonjour Solidaire Douanes DI Dijon !
Pourriez-vous ajouter les #descriptions des #images que vous publiez sur #Mastodon afin de ne pas laisser sur la touche les personnes mal ou non-voyantes ?
Merci d'avance pour elles ! 😉
#mastodon #images #descriptions
I'm still pleasantly surprised when I see #image #descriptions. It's like, wait! I actually have an idea of what the person is posting about? So cool! Big difference from the bird site. There I'd have to beg and plead for even important posts, like posts where the real info was text in the picture, to be described with text. Now here I see people posting pictures of pets and other things and I can't help but smile because if I can't see the picture, at least I get the idea.
Those of you adding #descriptions to your #images I say thank you! I'm blind, and love getting the context to posts I read. Your efforts are noted and very much appreciated.
This is Amazing!
#Photographers #Ocean #Landscape #Photos #Videos #Alt4You #Text #Descriptions
Please remember to use #AltText
#photographers #ocean #landscape #photos #videos #alt4you #text #descriptions #alttext
18.04: An Interview With Dan Wells #CareerandLifestyle #TheoryandTechnique #Descriptions #Audiobooks #Interviews #BadAdvice #Season18
#careerandlifestyle #theoryandtechnique #descriptions #audiobooks #interviews #badadvice #season18
@Peg33 Lots of Picture Only toots? No text?
Incase you are unaware:
You can't translate or read a photo unless you have 20/20 and speak ENGLISH.
All your Toots in the Federated space are just image paste, they can't be seen by many of Mastodon users.
𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐥𝐭-𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭 #Mastodon #Tips #HowTo #Descriptions
#mastodon #tips #howto #descriptions
RE TOOT via @dgar
With ALT-TXT included.
#Island #Humour #Humor #VI #VisuallyImpaired #Images
𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐥𝐭-𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭 #Mastodon #Tips #HowTo #Descriptions
#island #humour #Humor #vi #visuallyimpaired #images #mastodon #tips #howto #descriptions
I am pleasantly surprised to note that the New York Times is now providing excellent #AltText and #descriptions for the #photos used in the paper's articles. This is a recent thing. Other publications should follow. #Blind and other #disabled people certainly appreciate it.
#News #Accessibility #disabled #blind #Photos #descriptions #alttext