"On Sunday, June 16, 1854, two young Black New Yorkers named Elizabeth Jennings and Sarah Adams attempted to board one of the Third Avenue Railroad Company cars to head to church. Upon noticing their race, the conductor instructed both women to get off the car and wait for a second car for African Americans that was still a few blocks away. The women refused …”
#Desegregation #NineteenthCentury #Resistance #ElizabethJennings #FreedomOfMovement
#freedomofmovement #elizabethjennings #resistance #nineteenthcentury #desegregation
I also believed that the American government had allowed Martin’s death to happen. His shift in focus—from demanding #desegregation to demanding #economicparity and an end to the unjust slaughter overseas, had led to his assassination- Clarence B. Jones .
#foreverwar #WorkingConditions #Strike #jobswithjustice #healthequity #PublishingIsntACrime
#desegregation #economicparity #foreverwar #WorkingConditions #strike #jobswithjustice #healthequity #publishingisntacrime
Today In Labor History June 29, 1983: President Reagan said that one cause of the decline in public education was the effort to comply with court-ordered desegregation.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #teaching #schools #education #segregation #desegregation #racism #reagan
#workingclass #LaborHistory #teaching #schools #education #segregation #desegregation #racism #reagan
In another part of the thread, white people once again suggested #desegregation. They love telling #minorities and members of #marginalised communities to just find a server being run by their own people. No attempts to make the instances more inclusive. Just kick everyone to the kerb. Not welcome here. White people only.
#desegregation #minorities #marginalised #mastodonsoracist
What Year is this? In #Mississippi The Fight For #School #Desegregation Continues
Decades after #BrownvBoard, the #DOJ announced that 32 #schooldistricts in Mississippi are under desegregation orders.
#mississippi #school #desegregation #brownvboard #doj #schooldistricts
https://apnews.com/article/mississippi-civil-rights-violations-desegregation-federal-ef52788ed24dc0965b4bc788b4dcd546 “the Justice Department is ensuring school districts provide Black students in Mississippi with equal access to education programs” #desegregation #education
Jesus Christ. It's 1954 again.
#Desegregation #Mississippi #BrownVBoardOfEducation
Federal government orders desegregation in 32 Mississippi school districts https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/federal-government-orders-desegregation-32-mississippi-school-district-rcna87296
#brownvboardofeducation #mississippi #desegregation
"As #Arkansas prepares one of the country’s most expansive school-voucher programs, its attorney general is seeking to end decades-old legal settlements meant to end racial segregation, arguing that they are outdated and interfere with state policies favoring #school choice."
#arkansas #school #desegregation #jimcrowlaws
America is regressing.
#Arkansas moves to repeal decades-old #desegregation measure: report
#OnThisDay in 1971, SCOTUS decided in Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, a landmark case that helped shape the policy of desegregation in American public schools. This was a crucial step towards equality and justice for all #Desegregation #Equality
#onthisday #desegregation #equality
Our country is in crisis. Common decency is in a free fall. Our civil rights are under attack. #SaveOurDemocracy #GOPHate #Fascism #Racism #WomensRights #Equality #CivilRights
#Arkansas moves to #repeal decades-old #desegregation measure: report - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism https://www.rawstory.com/arkansas-desegregation/ https://www.rawstory.com/arkansas-desegregation/
#saveourdemocracy #gophate #fascism #racism #womensrights #equality #civilrights #arkansas #repeal #desegregation
Dr. Cindy Acker discussed her groundbreaking play, "Words That Made the Difference: Brown v. Board of Education." The struggle to desegregate our schools is still an issue well over than a half-century after the landmark case.
#Alameda #CindyAcker #Segregation #Desegregation #BlackHistoryMonth #RhythmixCulturalWorks #BrownVs.TheBoardOfEducation
#alameda #cindyacker #segregation #desegregation #blackhistorymonth #rhythmixculturalworks #brownvs
Looking for inspiration? Listen to Jibreel Khazan talk about why he and 3 other students began the #LunchCounter movement #OTD, 1960. "Our DNA spoke to us."
https://bit.ly/TAPepisode2 #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryIsAmericanHistory #Greensboro #Desegregation
#lunchcounter #otd #blackhistorymonth #blackhistoryisamericanhistory #greensboro #desegregation
#OTD in 1960, four Black university students sat down at a lunch counter in a segregated F. W. Woolworth Company store and refused to leave until they were served. They were denied service, but they came back every day for weeks with more and more people, eventually forcing desegregation in the service industry and leading to the formation of the SNCC.
Today’s art is by Naquee White: https://www.embracingourdifferences.org/gallery/2019-gallery/the-greensboro-sit-in/1836/?class0=race&class0_0=10
#history #BlackHistoryMonth #SNCC #BlackHistory #art #desegregation #ToWeRi #Feb1
#feb1 #toweri #desegregation #art #blackhistory #SNCC #blackhistorymonth #history #otd
I wrote about HUD's new fair housing rule, and why a 55-year-old mandate to desegregate communities might *finally* be enforced
#housing #fairhousing #AFFH #segregation #desegregation #civilrights #HUD
#housing #fairhousing #affh #segregation #desegregation #civilrights #hud
"#desegregation, if we’re serious about it, would require sustained commitment over years"
We don't have #desegregation and we don't have #integration. We do, however, still have #slavery. Capitalism and the racism it engenders and empowers have just gotten worse and more exploitative over the course of my six decades.
We will never have a just, equitable society until everyone enjoys the same size slice of economic pie that white people like me get by default. And we won't get there via "democratic" means because democracy assumes a slave class.
#desegregation #integration #slavery
argued that courts should not take race into account when making decisions. For example, members of the group have argued that civil rights cases involving racially discriminatory policies should not consider race, but rather the individuals involved. Federalist Society members were extensively involved with the Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1 ruling where the Supreme Court struck down #desegregation plans in several jurisdictions
Importantly, evidence suggests that #desegregation efforts in the 1970s and 1980s contributed to a narrowing of racial test score gaps. However, these gaps have widened since the introduction of #EdAccountability policies.
#edaccountability #desegregation