Red, green, blue and sand! The primary colors of Sonora! #desertbotanicalgarden #Sonora #aridisbeautiful
#aridisbeautiful #sonora #desertbotanicalgarden
Hello, Spring. #desertbotanicalgarden #arizona #butterfly #flower #nature #spring #iphonography #photography
#desertbotanicalgarden #arizona #butterfly #flower #nature #spring #iphonography #photography
Got to wander around the Desert Botanical Garden in AZ last night. As an east coaster it’s kind of surreal walking around in the dark with huge cacti all around. #desert #botanicalGarden #nature #cactus #DesertBotanicalGarden
#desert #botanicalgarden #nature #cactus #desertbotanicalgarden
Argentine giants (Echinopsis candicans) bloom once a year and, the flowers rarely last a day. The fortuitous timing of my Desert Botanical Garden visit on Saturday morning allowed me to get a couple decent shots.
#publicgardens #desertbotanicalgarden #myphx #desertgarden #cactusblossoms #argentinegiant
#publicgardens #desertbotanicalgarden #desertgarden #myphx #cactusblossoms #argentinegiant
We don’t have sakura in the desert southwest but, it feels like there is a certain visual kinship here.
#publicgardens #desertbotanicalgarden #myphx #desertgarden #paloverde (not) #sakura
#publicgardens #desertbotanicalgarden #myphx #desertgarden #paloverde #sakura