A little bit taste of the tropics on a chilly winter day! (At least chilly if you are in the Northeast US).. This an abandoned lighthouse on Paradise Island outside the port of Nassau in the Bahamas. Paradise Island used to be named Hog Island until it was bought by a private investor and renamed.
#lighthouse #Bahamas #AYearForArt #BuyIntoArt #desertedisland #mastophoto
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#lighthouse #bahamas #ayearforart #BuyIntoArt #desertedisland #mastophoto
Interesting. Thus far, it's 0% votes for "a change of clothes." Maybe some ppl figure that after 10 yrs' time, if the ONE outfit they were wearing deteriorates, they can just fashion clothing out of plant fibers. Nothing says "island chic" like wearing the latest in "palm frond" fashions to protect you from the elements.🤣 #poll #humor #interesting #results #pollresults #humannature #hypothetical #island #scenario #desertisland #desertedisland #clothing #outfit #fashion #survival #survivalskills
#survivalskills #survival #fashion #outfit #clothing #desertedisland #desertisland #scenario #Island #hypothetical #humannature #PollResults #results #interesting #Humor #Poll
Finding it hilarious that 40% of #tooters #polled in my recent #desertedisland #poll voted for "my favorite book" vs. basic physical survival items like shelter, clothing, fire-making tools, etc. I'd love to know how many of the respondents are #writers / #authors.🤣 However, 10 years IS quite a LONG time to keep oneself occupied, so #reading one's #favorite #book might very well keep a person sane longer than, say, drawing a face on volleyball & talking to it.😂 #castaway #movie #humor
#movie #Humor #CastAway #book #favorite #Reading #authors #writers #Poll #desertedisland #polled #tooters