El descubrimiento del mes son unos chicos de #valencia que hacen #stoner o #desertrock y que me dan envidia porque me recuerdan a cuando empecé con #LosNews hace 17 años.
Son frescos, rápidos y no pierden el tiempo. Deseando verlos en directo si Candela me deja verlos.
#valencia #stoner #desertrock #losnews
#np Sabbia – Domomentál [full album]
#np #fediradio #desertrock #jazz #instrumental
Today's #BandcampFriday haul:
"Trip to Maryland: A Tribute to Dave Sherman" by WEEDIAN. WEEDIAN makes doom compilations and is an absolute gold mine if you wanna get to know bands you've never heard of.
Maryland holds a special place in my heart because a dear long-time friend lives there, and also CRABS. 🦀 I hope one day I'll get to visit it myself!
#desertrock #doommetal #StonerDoom #BandcampFriday
The song isn't done yet, but I'm really excited to share a short clip of it. It still needs some minor mixing adjustments, but it should be out in the next week or two.
Here's a clip of "Marijuanolith" by my band Witchshitter.
#stonermetal #stonerrock #doommetal #sludgemetal #heavymetal #doomrock #stoner #fuzz #riffs #desertrock #stonerdoom
#StonerDoom #desertrock #riffs #fuzz #stoner #doomrock #heavymetal #sludgemetal #doommetal #stonerrock #stonermetal
The Desert Sessions - Screamin' Eagle
#nowplaying #music #desertrock #stonerrock
What can I say
I guess it wasn't meant to be
Now you're gone
It's just, your love is like a drug
#NowPlaying #Music #TheDesertSessions #DesertRock #StonerRock
#nowplaying #music #thedesertsessions #desertrock #stonerrock
The Desert Sessions - Coward's Way Out
#nowplaying #music #desertrock #stonerrock
Bei Musiker:innen, an die ich glaube, beteilige ich mich gerne mal am #Crowdfunding. Nun ist "The Darkness in Me", das Solo-Debüt von #SallyGrayson da, und ich bin geflasht: Top produzierter #DesertRock, in #Tucson mit #XIXA aufgenommen. Für Fans von #Calexico, Sinatra/Hazlewood und #GiantSand eine absolute Empfehlung! Zudem wunderbar ausgestattet. Aber seht selbst.
#crowdfunding #sallygrayson #desertrock #tucson #xixa #calexico #giantsand
The year 2013: Part 15
Vista Chino - Peace
#stonerrock #desertrock
For today's #SlowSunday by @Carex I give you an old classic by one of my favorite bands, 1000mods.
Lately they became too popular to play in my hometown any more – good for them, bummer for me. 😅 But I cherish the good memories and wish them all the best!
#StonerDoom #desertrock #SlowSunday
Great weekend of #LiveMusic in #Melbourne:
Friday night was Divide & Dissolve at the Curtin - not quite the amplifier worship like you'd get at a Sunn O))) gig but damn it got close. Very raw, anti-colonial doom metal. #metal #DoomMetal
And last night was Harlon Fest at the Gasometer, curated by local behemoths Jack Harlon and the Dead Crows. Huge night of riffs and desert/psych/stoner rock. The staged Western duel to crown the "Sheriff of the Gaso" was pretty hilarious. Seeing Planet of the 8s again was awesome - nonstop intensity through their entire set. #StonerRock #PsychRock #DesertRock
#livemusic #melbourne #metal #doommetal #stonerrock #psychrock #desertrock
Ahl Nana - Adji Kar Teri Miri from L'Orchestre National Mauritanien https://radiomartiko.bandcamp.com/track/adji-kar-teri-miri #desertblues #desertrock #Sahara #Bandcamp #music #AhlNana #L'OrchestreNationalMauritanien
#l #ahlnana #Music #BandCamp #sahara #desertrock #DesertBlues
Ok bon bha tu fais ce que tu veux de ta life, moi c'est Freedom Hawk day !
#metal #stoner #desertrock #FreedomHawk #rock #musique
Ok bon bha tu fais ce que tu veux de ta life, moi c'est Freedom Hawk day !
#metal #stoner #desertrock #FreedomHawk #rock #musique
Oh desertfest Antwerp looks interesting. https://desertfest.be ping @villes . Monkey3! #desertrock
Bombino - Akhar Zaman (This Moment) https://bombino.bandcamp.com/track/akhar-zaman-this-moment #bandcamp #Bombino #berber #worldmusic #blues #desertrock #tuareg #Agadez #music
#Music #agadez #tuareg #desertrock #blues #worldmusic #berber #bombino #BandCamp
Really enjoying this album from #HowlingGiant
Feels like some great music to listen to while working on your D&D character sheet. 😂
#howlinggiant #music #desertrock #stonerrock #dnd
Listening to some Planet of the 8s today in preparation for their gig supporting Rollerball this Saturday in #Melbourne.
#melbourne #stonerrock #desertrock #livemusic