#ac1 #aachen1 #musikbunkeraachen #live1 #burdentoatlas #desertstorm #yawn YAWN, DESERT STORM, BURDEN TO ATLAS https://events.aachen.social/events/efc8fcd7-ba78-401a-866e-bcc6d2e7c5c0
#AC1 #aachen1 #musikbunkeraachen #live1 #burdentoatlas #desertstorm #yawn
Album Review: Desert Storm – Death Rattle
Oxford, the University city of screaming spires, of boat races and spaffers who end up in Government. Not where you’d associate gnarly but progressive metal with a stoner edge. But this has been used as an introduction to many reviews of Desert Storm, the four-piece who formed in 2007 and who have carved out their ow
#TeapotDomeScandal #OctoberSurprise #SewerGate #DesertStorm #Watergate #Jan6 #FoxNews & in general #Trump are/were all dishonest #Republican strategies for greed & power.
Here’s an article: https://rantt.com/gop-admins-had-38-times-more-criminal-convictions-than-democrats-1961-2016
Why vote for a party that puts money & power over wellness of our health, our pocketbooks, our home-planet earth? Why?
Bc you prefer Christianity? Did you forget The United States Bill of Rights prevents the establishment of a national church?
#teapotdomescandal #octobersurprise #sewergate #desertstorm #watergate #Jan6 #foxnews #trump #republican
@davidhamer_1951 @acoyne @nationalpost
#DesertStorm caused 9/11 and the landslide of hate in the world that came after.
#NeverForget #RepublicansStartWars #SaveDemocracy #SaveHumanity
#desertstorm #neverforget #republicansstartwars #savedemocracy #savehumanity
In 1991, DoD dealt with #DesertStorm MWR needs by chartering a cruise ship and parking it in the port of Bahrain. There, liquor laws of the host countries did not apply, and soldiers could enjoy a few days away from the desert.
I found this photo of me (left) and a squadmate in a box and scanned it two years ago.
RT @RealAirPower1@twitter.com
The #USNavy's first aerial victory of #DesertStorm was gained on Jan 17, by LCdr. Mark Fox of VFA-81"Sunliners". Flying an F/A-18C Hornet, Fox, along with his wingman, Lt. Nick Mongillo, destroyed an Iraqi MiG-21 each - and they destroyed them in style.#avgeeks #aviation #history
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RealAirPower1/status/1615793095936774159
#usnavy #desertstorm #avgeeks #aviation #history
RT @RealAirPower1@twitter.com
Did you know that on the first night of Operation #DesertStorm, F-117s received ECM support from EF-111s? ECM support for stealth jets was amongst the most contentious decisions of the war, but was done under "intense pressure" from the F-117 community. #avgeeks #aviation #USAF
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RealAirPower1/status/1615736464880590849
#desertstorm #avgeeks #aviation #usaf
#TodayinHistory Operation Desert Storm begins in 1991, as US aircraft strike positions across Iraq, while Scott Speicher becomes the first American casualty when his F/A-18 Hornet is shot down. It would also be the first major war to be televised live courtesy CNN.
#Iraq #desertstorm #todayinhistory
Ten Błąd Systemu kosztował życie | System Error Prime
#Rekomendacje #SystemError #desertstorm #mim-104patriot #scud #serioussam #systemerror
#rekomendacje #systemerror #desertstorm #mim #scud #serioussam
7/ Anche coloro che sostenevano McChrystal e la sua strategia di controinsurrezione sanno che qualunque cosa il generale riuscirà a realizzare in #Afghanistan, assomiglierà più al #Vietnam che a #DesertStorm
#desertstorm #vietnam #afghanistan
IRAQ: TRENT’ANNI FA IL VIA A “DESERT STORM”. L’ITALIA TORNAVA IN GUERRA. INTERVISTA A “UN PONTE PER” https://www.radiondadurto.org/2021/01/15/iraq-trentanni-fa-il-via-a-desert-storm-litalia-tornava-in-guerra/ #INTERNAZIONALI #desertstorm #guerragolfo #1991 #Iraq
#internazionali #desertstorm #guerragolfo #iraq