BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
69 followers · 426 posts · Server

Australian shelters and pounds kill 50,000 mostly healthy cats and kittens in a year. There’s a way to prevent this pointless killing
"Despite the scale of this killing, Australia’s stray cat numbers are not decreasing. The evidence shows an urgent need for proactive community cat programs offering free of cats in targeted problem areas.
At least 50% of cats entering pounds and shelters are kittens less than six months old. These figures highlight why community cat programs are urgently needed across Australia to protect cats, native wildlife and people."

#desexing #roaming #cats #wildlife #catcontainment #trauma #staff #straycats #domesticcats #consuming #pets #overproduction

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Activist · @smeilakajp
22 followers · 139 posts · Server