It’s not fair that I’m the #designatedDriver, making sure friends and family get home safely, and i end up with the #Hangover #flu
#designateddriver #hangover #flu
As a #codependent, a relationship with a #narcissist, #borderline, #histrionic or some combination of the #ClusterB variety pack is akin to being a 24/7/365 #DesignatedDriver. Entertaining at the start of the evening and #FML toward the end.
Perhaps it's time to take a night (or the rest of your life) and let them get an Uber Enabler and/or suffer the consequences of their irresponsibility and self-destructive behavior for once.
#codependent #narcissist #borderline #histrionic #clusterb #designateddriver #fml #abusehasnogender #npd #bpd #hpd #runforrestrun
The night before big family holidays in the US are bad nights for car accidents caused by alcohol and drug use. If you think you can handle driving under the influence, take a look at this photo from a response I had to an alcohol-related accident. (CW: it shows a mangled vehicle but no people involved.)
Have fun, have a few drinks, share an edible… but if you are enjoying life in the place that you aren’t going to end up at the end of the night? Get a taxi or have a DD. Otherwise your ride home might be in a helicopter like mine to a trauma center. #Alcohol #Drugs #OWI #DUI #DesignatedDriver
#alcohol #drugs #owi #dui #designateddriver
every bar should do this...
#bar #offer #free #softdrink #coffee #designateddriver #alcohol
#bar #offer #free #softdrink #coffee #designateddriver #alcohol
every bar should do this...
#bar #offer #free #softdrink #coffee #designateddriver #alcohol
#bar #offer #free #softdrink #coffee #designateddriver #alcohol