The weird thing about #DesignatedSurvivor is, despite its tone insinuating optimism and upright politicians (well, on behalf of some of them, anyways), what it actually depicts is how an otherwise honest politician gets caught up in a labyrinth of IOUs and rarely is in a position to enforce his own agenda, due to prior promises and obligations.
IDK if it's accurate, but if so it's a surprisingly bleak look into democracy.
A grim contingency to ponder (but ponder it we must).
#stateoftheunion #designatedsurvivor
Ich genieße den freien Tag, an dem ich nicht arbeiten muss und gucke gleich #DesignatedSurvivor auf Netflix weiter.
Kamala Harris: #FirstWomanPresident Due To US #PresidentialColonoscopy
She did not, however, go into labor. Only non-evil stepchildren.
The first Labor to go into Presidency would have been Marty Walsh. This, however, did not occur in this timeline.
No worries. No current Republican wants a President who went into Labor like Boston Mayor Marty Walsh.
#DesignatedSurvivor #MayorMarty
Republican President Abraham Lincoln's #StateOfTheUnion December 6, 1864, when both the United States of America and the United Mexican States were in a state of Civil War, covers many topics. Lincoln was assassinated April 14, 1865. #DesignatedSurvivor 🪵
No worries. No current Republican wants a President like Republican President Abraham Lincoln.
#firstwomanpresident #presidentialcolonoscopy #designatedsurvivor #mayormarty #stateoftheunion
Mystery of Tonight's Designated Survivor via E & E News
Photo: LOC
#StateOfTheUnion #DesignatedSurvivor
#stateoftheunion #designatedsurvivor
Marty Walsh is the Designated Survivor for tonight’s State of the Union address. #stateoftheunion #designatedsurvivor
#stateoftheunion #designatedsurvivor
Just finished binging #DesignatedSurvivor series. Anxiety level a little high right now.
Having come to a decent point to pause my viewing of #DesignatedSurvivor, I'm going to take a dip into #HappyValley. Never saw any of it before, but I reckon if I start now, I might just about be caught up by the time it reaches its final episode.
#designatedsurvivor #happyvalley
Can I ask you a question?
Have you seen #DesignatedSurvivor?
I really enjoyed the first few episodes, at least.
Seemed to solve a few problems rather #Swiftly, if not politely...
It’s just a question.
Started to watch #DesignatedSurvivor today. Only the first episode and 10 minutes into the second one, but it’s good so far.
#corona -Infektion 2 Tag 3 und endlich mal Zeit Dinge zu sehen, für die man sonst keine Zeit hat:
Tag 1: #IndependenceDay:Wiederkehr - naja, ein schwacher Abklatsch von Teil 1 mit so einem übertriebenen Pathos, des ich fast ausgeschaltet hätte
Tag 2 und 3: #DesignatedSurvivor Staffel 1 - anfänglich sehr gut, nutzt sich dann aber auch ab. Für mich ein paar Folgen zu lang. Staffel 2 bekommt keine Chance.
#designatedsurvivor #independenceday #corona
#corona -Infektion 2 Tag 3 und endlich mal Zeit Dinge zu sehen, für die man sonst keine Zeit hat:
Tag 1: #IndependenceDay:Wiederkehr - naja, ein schwacher Abklatsch von Teil 1 mit so einem übertriebenen Pathos, des ich fast ausgeschaltet hätte
Tag 2 und 3: #DesignatedSurvivor Staffel 1 - anfänglich sehr gut, nutzt sich dann aber auch ab. Für mich ein paar Folgen zu lang. Staffel 2 bekommt keine Chance.
#designatedsurvivor #independenceday #corona
TGIF! I’ve got a marathon Designated Survivor session coming up, anyone else planning on binging something great?
#TGIF #DesignatedSurvivor #Netflix
#tgif #designatedsurvivor #netflix
Hannah Wells from #designatedsurvivor has to be one of the most annoying characters ever.
Tijd voor een nieuwe serie op Netflix. Gekozen voor Designated Survivor. Verhaal sprak me wel aan en het zijn niet té veel seizoenen. Ben benieuwd 😊 - #Netflix #DesignatedSurvivor
At least three Hollywood shows “predicted” the #COVID19 narrative in startling detail: “The Dead Zone”, Season 3 of #DesignatedSurvivor, and a couple Simpsons episodes.
We finally have a halfway decent President.
You can find him on @Netflix at: @DesignatedNFLX #DesignatedSurvivor
Si tu préfères les séries politique, alors je te conseil :
#HouseOfCards, #Homeland ou encore #DesignatedSurvivor
Si tu aimes les séries type horreur, je te conseil :
#Slasher, #TheHautningOfHillHouse
Les séries postapocalyptique type #TheWalkingDead, alors je te conseil :
#TheRain ou #BlackSummer
Les séries Fantastique : #StrangerThings, #LesVoyageursDutemps, #PerduDansLEspace, #Dark...
Les séries du type #Vikings, alors #TheLastKingdom devrait te plaire...
#thelastkingdom #vikings #dark #perdudanslespace #lesvoyageursdutemps #strangerthings #blacksummer #therain #thewalkingdead #TheHautningOfHillHouse #slasher #designatedsurvivor #homeland #houseofcards
Even fictional American Republicans are a bunch of assholes on television #DesignatedSurvivor
ah mais noooooonnnn je suis arrivée au boit des épisodes dispos de #DesignatedSurvivor #CEstTropInjuste
#cesttropinjuste #designatedsurvivor