From a #VisualHistory of the #guitar to a #SocialJustice guidebook on #decolonizing #design, 2023 will be a great year for #DesignBooks. Here 7 #design sbooks to look forward to in 2023
#visualhistory #guitar #socialjustice #decolonizing #design #designbooks
Looking for some Christmas reading? 📚
If you are as much as we are into IP, we are sure you will enjoy these books suggestions. From history to copyright, trade marks, designs... and more.
Check them out on our Linkedin account and send us your suggestions!
#books #designbooks #IPBooks #trademarks #copyright #booksuggestions
#books #designbooks #ipbooks #trademarks #copyright #booksuggestions
Wim Pijbes maakte een persoonlijke keuze uit de Rijksmuseumcollectie, van appel tot zwaan. Zo maak je al op jonge leeftijd kennis met de beroemde werken uit het Rijksmuseum, in 26 aansprekende details. Prachtig blokboek voor de allerjongsten.
👍🏼 #kunst #design #vintage #kunstboeken #boeken #tweedehands #tweedehandswinkel #kunstisleuk #fotografie #foto #photography #architecture #architecture #designbooks #designbookstore #036
#designbookstore #designbooks #architecture #Photography #foto #fotografie #kunstisleuk #tweedehandswinkel #tweedehands #boeken #kunstboeken #vintage #design #kunst
🌗 The Dark Side of Design — 2 Must Read Books to Show You How Design Can Go Horribly Wrong
by Jamieson Silver at @uxplanet
#design #DesignBooks
🔴The Daily Heller: The Greatest Catalog Design Story Ever Told
By Steven Heller @thedailyheller
at @printmag
Happy Friday #Designers, I'm looking for suggestion of books on #Design #Philosophy. I'm mostly interest in theory of design from an anthropological perspective, in particular concerning #making and #artisanship, and how they relate to #politics and #economy
Any suggestion?
#books #MastoBooks #DesignResearch #DesignBooks #Advice #Reading
#reading #advice #designbooks #designresearch #mastobooks #books #economy #politics #artisanship #making #philosophy #design #designers
🔴 The Daily Heller: Teaching Young Kids to Read, Adults to Look and Teens to Stare
Feat.: Mirko Ilić @MirkoIlicCorp
by The Daily Heller @thedailyheller at @printmag
#designBooks #book #MarkoIlic
finally started reading bruno munari’s “square circle triangle” tonight, after having picked it up yeeeears ago. it’s good. can recommend. 👌🏻
#design #book #designbooks #BrunoMunari