Did you know that in the Netherlands mopeds should be constructed in such a way that they cannot go faster than the legal speed limit? Why don't we #Design our #AI, like #ChatGPT, in such a way that it cannot violate our ethical values? Putting #Purpose and #Values in the centre will help to avoid ethical mishaps.
#DesignByValues #ArtificialIntelligence #AIEthics #EthicalAI #Ethics #Ethiek
https://medium.com/data-ai-masters/design-chatgpt-with-passion-purpose-and-values-c3f4b28afe16?source=user_profile---------0---------------------------- via #Medium
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#medium #ethiek #ethics #ethicalai #aiethics #artificialintelligence #designbyvalues #values #purpose #chatgpt #ai #design