Sign up for early registration! #TypeCon2023: Portland will be held at Revolution Hall. Register now for a 3 day pass that includes #EdForum on Thursday, Aug 16th. Followed by the main conference on Friday and Saturday.
#typecon #edforum #conference #type #typematters #tickets #registration #creative #designconference #lettering #webfonts #typespire #typography #handlettering #design #fonts #graphicdesign #typedesign #designinspiration #thedailytype #customtype #print
#typecon2023 #edforum #typecon #conference #type #typematters #tickets #registration #creative #designconference #lettering #webfonts #typespire #typography #handlettering #design #fonts #graphicdesign #typedesign #designinspiration #thedailytype #customtype #print
Neon Speaks, one of the best little letterlover festivals, is happening again this September, online and onsite in San Francisco. I’ll do a talk with Randall Ann Homan, and we’ll host a tour or two at Letterform Archive. Get your early bird tickets now:
#signs #neon #lettering #designconference #typography
Some posts you read and think, HERE is how to BE—to put empathy into action, act with respect, build community. @brendamontreal wrote one of those posts. Organizing a conference for people who design for people? Want to be #inclusive and embrace #accessibility? Read on:
#inclusivedesign #a11y #userexperiencedesign #usercentereddesign #conferenceplanning #designconference #ixda
#inclusive #accessibility #inclusivedesign #a11y #userexperiencedesign #usercentereddesign #conferenceplanning #designconference #ixda
If Outcome 2023 is the product UX and systems kitchen, the content design and civic tech ingredients are pouring in—the oven is at 8 degrees in Chandigarh.
Watch out, and the call for proposals is open. #UX #designconference #civicdesign #contentstrategy
#ux #designconference #civicdesign #contentstrategy
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Call for contributions to #designresearch conference #Nordes 2023, the 10th Nordic Design Research Society Conference.
Spread the word!
Deadline Full and Exploratory papers:
December 12, 2022
Deadline Workshops & Doctoral Consortium contributions:
January 30, 2023
Hosted by #LinköpingUniversity 11-14 june 2023
#designresearch #nordes #linkopinguniversity #callforpapers #designconference #design
As we are building the program, the call for speakers is still open for the Outcome 2023—a conference on the intersection of product content strategy, UX and design, product management, and anything that builds conversations in civic tech and civic design.
Enjoy being in Chandigarh, on 10-11 February 2023. #UX #design #UXconference #designconference #contentstrategy #contentdesign #productmanagement #Chandigarh
#ux #design #uxconference #designconference #contentstrategy #contentdesign #productmanagement #chandigarh