I came across this beauty in a tenement close in Broomhill today. There really seems to be no end to stunning art nouveau tiles in Glasgow.
#glasgow #ceramics #tiles #design #artnouveau #tenementtiles #glasgowtenement #designdetail #wallyclose #glasgowbuildings
#glasgowbuildings #wallyclose #designdetail #glasgowtenement #tenementtiles #artnouveau #design #tiles #ceramics #glasgow
A fantastic piece of tiling from a Glasgow tenement building in Broomhill. This is part of a larger pieces which I'll post in its entirety later on.
#glasgow #tiling #ceramics #tenementtiles #glasgowbuildings #architecture #design #designdetail
#designdetail #design #architecture #glasgowbuildings #tenementtiles #ceramics #tiling #glasgow
Tiles from a tenement close on Argyle Street in the Finnieston area of Glasgow.
#glasgow #design #tenementlife #tenements #glasgowtenement #ceramics #tiles #tiling #flowers #designdetail #architecture #tenementtiles
#tenementtiles #architecture #designdetail #flowers #tiling #tiles #ceramics #glasgowtenement #tenements #tenementlife #design #glasgow
Brass lamps in the reconstructed interior of Charles Rennie MacKintosh's home in Glasgow University. These are almost identical to some of the lamps hanging in MacKintosh's Queen's Cross Church in Maryhill.
#glasgow #design #glasgowstyle #designdetail #artnouveau #charlesrenniemackintosh #designphotography #churches #queenscrosschurch
#queenscrosschurch #churches #designphotography #charlesrenniemackintosh #artnouveau #designdetail #glasgowstyle #design #glasgow
I love this taxi lamp outside the Corinthian Club on Ingram Street in Glasgow, but it has always slightly confused me as to why it's there.
#glasgow #architecture #designdetail #metalwork #ironwork #lamp #streetfurniture #ingramstreet #corinthianclub
#corinthianclub #ingramstreet #streetfurniture #lamp #ironwork #metalwork #designdetail #architecture #glasgow
Some more beautiful Glasgow tenement tiles, this time from a close in Thornwood.
#glasgow #architecture #thornwood #tiles #ceramics #glasgowarchitecture #designdetail #tenements #tenementtiles #glasgowtenement #tenementlife
#tenementlife #glasgowtenement #tenementtiles #tenements #designdetail #glasgowarchitecture #ceramics #tiles #thornwood #architecture #glasgow
Another day, another thistle, this time on an ornate vent cover. These thistle vent covers can be found on old Galbraith's Stores across Glasgow. This one is one of three on a former Galbraith's on Springfield Road in Parkhead.
#glasgow #parkhead #vebtcover #thistle #design #designdetail #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings
#glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #designdetail #design #thistle #vebtcover #parkhead #glasgow
Love this enamel and metal thistle on the door of an old bank on Dumbarton Road in the Partick area of Glasgow. Randomly stumbling across glorious little details like this is one of the main reasons I love living in Glasgow.
#glasgow #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #design #thistle #designdetail #partick #iloveglasgow
#iloveglasgow #Partick #designdetail #thistle #design #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #glasgow
A rather beautiful tenement tile fron the west end of Glasgow.
#glasgow #tiles #tenementtiles #architecture #design #glasgowbuildings #glasgowtenements #glasgowarchitecture #designdetail
#designdetail #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowtenements #glasgowbuildings #design #architecture #tenementtiles #tiles #glasgow
Some fantastic enamelled detailing over the entrance to 81 Bothwell Street in Glasgow.
This is part of the monumental Scottish Life Assurance Society building, which was built in 1927 and designed by E G Wylie.
#glasgow #architecture #designdetail #enamelling #glaagowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture
#glasgowarchitecture #glaagowbuildings #enamelling #designdetail #architecture #glasgow
I can't be certain, but this looks like original acid-etched details on one of the windows of Alexander 'Greek' Thomson's 1860s Eton Terrace in the Hillhead area of Glasgow.
If it is original, it's pretty impressive it's survived so long. If it's not, it's a very good imitation of Thomson's style.
#glasgow #hillhead #alexandergreekthomson #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #designdetail #acidetching #acidetchedglass
#acidetchedglass #acidetching #designdetail #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #alexandergreekthomson #hillhead #glasgow
Love this circular window (one of three in a row) on the side of the 1920s Waverley Cinema in the Shawlands area of Glasgow. Just a perfect little bit of design detail.
#glasgow #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #glasgowbuildings #designdetail #architecturaldetail #oldcinema #waverleycinema
#waverleycinema #oldcinema #architecturaldetail #designdetail #glasgowbuildings #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgow
Love this piece of decorative metalwork on an old Bank of Scotland building by Shawlands Cross in Glasgow.
#glasgow #shawlands #metalwork #thistles #bankofscotland #designdetail #architecture #glasgowbuildings
#glasgowbuildings #architecture #designdetail #bankofscotland #thistles #metalwork #shawlands #glasgow
There's also some very impressive guilded metalwork on the front elevation of 90 Saint Vincent Street in Glasgow. As far as I can work out, this was part of Campbell's origibal 1908 design.
#glasgow #metalwork #designdetail #architecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture
#glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #architecture #designdetail #metalwork #glasgow
Love this decoration on 43 Oakfield Avenue in the Hillhead area of Glasgow. Just from this alone, you'd probably guess the building was designed by Alexander 'Greek' Thomson, and you'd be right. It's part of his Eton Terrace development which was built in 1865.
#glasgow #architecture #designdetail #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #alexandergreekthomson #hillhead
#hillhead #alexandergreekthomson #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #designdetail #architecture #glasgow
Beautiful ironwork detail on Alexander 'Greek' Thomson's Buck's Head Building in Argyle Street in Glasgow.
This building has a cast-iron frame which has been concealed by masonry, and then this decorative ironwork has been added on top. I love how Thomson paid so much attention to detail to get a building looking exactly the way he wanted it to.
#glasgow #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #ironwork #designdetail #windows
#windows #designdetail #ironwork #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgow
Probably my favourite finial in the whole of Glasgow. It can be found at the very top of Burnet's Merchant House on George Square.
#glasgow #finial #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #tallship #design #designdetail
#designdetail #design #tallship #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #finial #glasgow
How's this for a top floor corner window? It's on Burnet and Boston's 1900 Royal Bank building at 140 St Vincent Street in Glasgow
#glasgow #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #orielwindow #cornerwindow #designdetail
#designdetail #cornerwindow #orielwindow #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #glasgow
Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture is this slightly grumpy-looking dolphinfish above the door of the Former Northern Assurance Building at 90 Saint Vincent Street.
#glasgow #sculpture #animalsinarchitecture
#animals #dolphinfish #stonecarving #carving #designdetail
#designdetail #carving #stonecarving #dolphinfish #animals #animalsinarchitecture #sculpture #glasgow
The rather wonderful and colourful Coat of Arms of the National Bank of Scotland on the front door of the Saint Enoch Square branch in Glasgow, which was built in 1906.
#glasgow #coatofarns #nationalbabkofacotland #stenochsquare #architecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #designdetail
#designdetail #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #architecture #stenochsquare #nationalbabkofacotland #coatofarns #glasgow