Brass lamps in the reconstructed interior of Charles Rennie MacKintosh's home in Glasgow University. These are almost identical to some of the lamps hanging in MacKintosh's Queen's Cross Church in Maryhill.
#glasgow #design #glasgowstyle #designdetail #artnouveau #charlesrenniemackintosh #designphotography #churches #queenscrosschurch
#queenscrosschurch #churches #designphotography #charlesrenniemackintosh #artnouveau #designdetail #glasgowstyle #design #glasgow
Glasgow Style design detail on the front of Charles Rennie MacKintosh's Willow Tearooms on Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow.
#glasgow #designdetail #design #sauchiehallstreet #charlesrenniemackintosh #designphotography #archirecture #glasgowarchitecture #aetnouveau #glasgowstyle
#glasgowstyle #aetnouveau #glasgowarchitecture #archirecture #designphotography #charlesrenniemackintosh #sauchiehallstreet #design #designdetail #glasgow
A fantastically intricate stained glass window on Belhaven Terrace in the west end of Glasgow. The houses on this terrace were designed by James Thomson and were built in the 1870s.
#glasgow #windowswednesday #windows #stainedglass #design #designdetail #designphotography #architecture #architecturephotography
#architecturephotography #architecture #designphotography #designdetail #design #stainedglass #windows #windowswednesday #glasgow
Lion's head railings outside the former Trinity College building in the west end of Glasgow. This building dates from 1856 and was designed by Charles Wilson. I love the radial symmetry of this ironwok.
#glasgow #ironwork #metalwork #woodlands #symmetry #lions #architecture #design #designdetail #designphotography #architecturalfeatures #architecturaldetails
#architecturaldetails #architecturalfeatures #designphotography #designdetail #design #architecture #lions #symmetry #woodlands #metalwork #ironwork #glasgow
I love the Art Nouveau font on the nameplate for John Nisbet's magnificent 1906 Camphill Gate tenement building on Pollokshaws Road in Glasgow.
#glasgow #artnouveau #artnouveaufont #fonts #glasgowtenements #designdetail #design #designphotography #tenements #architecture #buildings #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #pollokshields
#Pollokshields #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #buildings #architecture #tenements #designphotography #design #designdetail #glasgowtenements #fonts #artnouveaufont #artnouveau #glasgow
Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture is another one from the Glaagow University Memorial Chapel. It's this very cute, and sleepy-looking, owl nestled in the foliage on a column capital.
#glasgow #owls #sculptures #animalsinarchitecture #designdetail #glasgowuniversity #designphotography #animalsculpture
#animalsculpture #designphotography #glasgowuniversity #designdetail #animalsinarchitecture #sculptures #owls #glasgow
Art Nouveau stained glass fannlight above the entrance to an early 1900s terraced town house on Lorraine Road in the west end of Glasgow. This part of the Kensington Gate group designed by David Barclay.
#glasgow #windows #stainedglass #artnouveau #architecture #designdetails #design #designphotography #architecturephotography #glasgowarchitecture
#glasgowarchitecture #architecturephotography #designphotography #design #designdetails #architecture #artnouveau #stainedglass #windows #glasgow
The rather wonderful Glasgow Style railings around Holmlea Primary School on the southside of Glasgow.
#glasgow #holmlea #glasgowstyle #design #designdetail #charlesrenniemackintosh #designphotography #glasgowbuildings
#glasgowbuildings #designphotography #charlesrenniemackintosh #designdetail #design #glasgowstyle #holmlea #glasgow
Main door to the former Printing Works on Darnley Street in Pollokshields, Glasgow. Designed by D.B. Dobson and built in 1902, this building has some amazing Art Nouveau details. I love the tiles around this doorway, and the fact that the lower hinges have been made into snake's heads.
#glasgow #pollokshields #artnouveau #architecture #buildings #design #designphotography #archtecturephotography #buildingphotography #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture
#glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #buildingphotography #archtecturephotography #designphotography #design #buildings #architecture #artnouveau #Pollokshields #glasgow
Brass lantern, Queen's Cross Church, Glasgow. Designed by Charles Rennie MacKintosh. Just love the shape and the lines of this lamp.
#glasgow #design #glasgowstyle #designdetail #artnouveau #charlesrenniemackintosh #designphotography #churches #queenscrosschurch
#queenscrosschurch #churches #designphotography #charlesrenniemackintosh #artnouveau #designdetail #glasgowstyle #design #glasgow
A rather beautiful hexagonal stained glass window in the door of St Mary's Roman Catholic Church in Abercromby Street, Glasgow. This church was designed by Goldie and Child of London and waa built in the 1840s.
#glasgow #stainedglass #stainedglasswindow
#chuches #design #designdetail #hexagon
#hexagons #designphotography
#designphotography #hexagons #hexagon #designdetail #design #chuches #stainedglasswindow #stainedglass #glasgow
Love this ironwork outside Alexander 'Greek' Thomson's 1877 Great Western Terrace in the west end of Glasgow (making it one of his last buildings). There's similar ironwork on his Westbourne Terrace, too, which is just around the cornern and was built a few years earlier.
#glasgow #design #architecture #building #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #alexandergreekthomson #greekthomson #ironwork #metalwork #designdetail #designphotography
#designphotography #designdetail #metalwork #ironwork #greekthomson #alexandergreekthomson #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #building #architecture #design #glasgow
The rather elegant logo of the Automatic Telephone Manufacturing Company on a manhole cover in Broomhill in Glasgow. This means it was installed between 1911 and 1932, making it around 100 years old. I guess sometimes it pays to look down as well as up in Glasgow!
#glasgow #manholecovers #automatictelephonemanufacturingcompany #streetart #streetfurniture #glasgowhistory #broomhill #alwayslookup #alwayslookdown #lookupinglasgow #lookdownglasgow #design #designdetail #designphotography #logos
#logos #designphotography #designdetail #design #lookdownglasgow #lookupinglasgow #alwayslookdown #alwayslookup #broomhill #glasgowhistory #streetfurniture #streetart #automatictelephonemanufacturingcompany #manholecovers #glasgow
Ornate ironwork outside the Grand Central hotel in Glasgow's Central Station.
#glasgow #centralstation #ironwork #designdetails #designphotography #glasgowbuildings #buildings #stations #metalwork #thistles
#thistles #metalwork #stations #buildings #glasgowbuildings #designphotography #designdetails #ironwork #centralstation #glasgow
A rather wonderful Art Nouveau cartouche containing the year of construction over the entrance to 13 Bath Street in Glasgow.
#glasgow #cartouche #artnouveau #architecture #buildings #design #designdetail #artnouveauarchitecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #designphotography #bathstreet
#bathstreet #designphotography #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #artnouveauarchitecture #designdetail #design #buildings #architecture #artnouveau #cartouche #glasgow
It's just a narrow little wiindow beside the front door to let a bit extra light into the hallway, but just look at that stained glass, and that amazingly curvy lintel!
From a short run of B-listed Tudor-style terraced houses on Highburgh Road in the west end of Glasgow designed by P MacGregor Chalmers and built in 1899.
#glasgow #architecture #design #designdetail #buildings #glasgowbuilings #glasgowarchitecture #windows #strainedglass #designphotography
#designphotography #strainedglass #windows #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuilings #buildings #designdetail #design #architecture #glasgow
Sinuous ironwork outside a tenement on Ruthven Street in the west end of Glasgow. Love the curves on this.
#glasgow #westend #tenements #designdetail #designphotography #ironwork #curves #glasgowbuidings #glasgowtenements
#glasgowstyle #glasgowtenements #glasgowbuidings #curves #ironwork #designphotography #designdetail #tenements #westend #glasgow
One of the more unusual animals which can be found in Glasgow's architecture is this beautifully carved, if slightly odd-looking, walrus above the door of 190 West George Street.
#glasgow #animals #animalscupltures #animalsinarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #stonework #sculpture #walrus #design #designphotography #designdetail #glasgowarchitecture #achitecturephotography #buildingphotography
#buildingphotography #achitecturephotography #glasgowarchitecture #designdetail #designphotography #design #walrus #sculpture #stonework #glasgowbuildings #animalsinarchitecture #animalscupltures #animals #glasgow
As it's St Valentine'a Day, I thought I'd share one of the many cherubs which can be found in Glasgow's architecture. This particularly cheeky little one is above the door of 215 High Street.
#glasgow #valentines #valentinesday #architecture #glasgowbuildings #designdetail #glasgowarchitecture #buildingphotography #designphotography #stvalentinesday #stonework #carving #sculpture
#sculpture #carving #stonework #stvalentinesday #designphotography #buildingphotography #glasgowarchitecture #designdetail #glasgowbuildings #architecture #valentinesday #valentines #glasgow
I've been going to Kelvingrove Art Gallery in Glasgow since I was a kid, but I only noticed these wonderfully ornate cast iron vent covers for the first time the other day.
It just goes to show that Glasgow always has something new to offer, no matter how well you think you know it!
#glasgow #kelvingroveartgallery #designdetails #designphotography #architecture #glasgowstyle #architecturephotograhy #lookupinglasgow #alwayslookup #gold #castiron #metalwork #ironwork
#ironwork #metalwork #castiron #gold #alwayslookup #lookupinglasgow #architecturephotograhy #glasgowstyle #architecture #designphotography #designdetails #kelvingroveartgallery #glasgow