Here’s another great reference example of type, design, and cheap ass printing back out into the world to tickle your eyeballs.
("Really Medicated" is begging to be turned into a t-shirt.)
Matchbook advertising for F&F Cough Lozenges.
#designreference #matchbook #graphicdesign #vintage #advertising #typography #printdesign #lettering
#lettering #printdesign #typography #advertising #vintage #graphicdesign #matchbook #designreference
Getting more of these great examples of type, design, and cheap ass printing back out into the world. 👀
Matchbook advertising for Professional Razor Blades – 25¢ for 5 blades!
#designreference #matchbook #graphicdesign #vintage #typographydesign #typography #branding #printdesign #oldtype #lettering
#printdesign #lettering #oldtype #branding #typography #typographydesign #vintage #graphicdesign #matchbook #designreference
Getting some of these great examples of type, design, and cheap ass printing back out into the world. 👀
Matchbook advertising Gem Razor Blades with the ‘Guiding Eye’
#designreference #matchbook #graphicdesign #vintage #typographydesign #typography #branding#printdesign #oldtype #lettering
#lettering #oldtype #branding #typography #typographydesign #vintage #graphicdesign #matchbook #designreference