That was a busy day at work. Couldn't have done it without these guys. #Transformers #DeskBot
I could have done with a bit of Brawn this morning but I left him on my desk. #Transformers #DeskBot
And I cracked open a new #Transformers toy today. Taking up a residency as my #DeskBot - it's Studio Series Rise of the Beasts Airazor! It was a difficult initial transformation, but now I'm used to it, I quite dig it.
I also picked up these lovely boys at #TFNation, from the equally lovely #ToyFu who donate all proceeds to charity.
It’s my first #FansProject bot and I’m very impressed with the transformation, esp how the chest is moved along a rail from the front of the torso to the back in order to form the bonnet of the vehicle… together with the legs!
#tfnation #toyfu #fansproject #rewind #chromedome #Toyhax #deskbot #transformers
Getting back to Perceptor. What a toy! This is my first experience of the G1 version, and I love it. The Retro line is just amazing for giving us stuff like this. #Transformers #DeskBot
Worked hard and got super hot in the garden this morning, so I rewarded myself by opening Retro Skywarp. He's a prince! #Transformers #DeskBot
In honour of being outside, here's an old #DeskBot pic I took outside. IIRC, this is the Age of Extinction Barricade, who is a fun little figure. #Transformers
Today's archive #DeskBot - Titans Return Perceptor. I haven't felt the need to look at the Studio Series version because this guy is great. I can't wait to introduce him to the new G1 reissue #Transformers
Good morning! Here's Red Alert with your Saturday morning wake-up call - a-woo a-woo a-woo
#Transformers #DeskBot
Oh yes! Big fan of this Kickback. Surprised by the yellow paint on his back, but it's good. My G1 original has taken a beating. I'll find him for a side by side at some point. #Transformers #DeskBot
Good morning! I'm getting a slightly earlier start today which bodes well for my productivity. To celebrate - a flashback to that time I took Bumblebee and Cliffjumper to the office. #Transformers #DeskBot
Good morning! Another #DeskBot from the archives: Power of the Primes Slug is ready to melt some Decepticons. #Transformers
A robot before I actually get up!
Titans Return Seaspray has your pizzas.
#Transformers #DeskBot
Good morning! Swindle is ready for a profitable weekend, and he hopes you are too!
#Transformers #DeskBot
Good morning! I hope you all have a good Friday today.
#Transformers #DeskBot
Before I do anything else here's an old photo of Combiner Wars Mirage. He's a good lanky dude. #Transformers #DeskBot
Another random #Transformers #DeskBot from the archives - this is Titans Return Blurr.