Ich habe vergessen um was es geht. Computer? Mainframes? Intelligenzen im Weltraum? Programmiererinnen? #Deskilling?
Excellent article by @zephoria about the potential (and current) dangers of #deskilling as we become more dependent on machines to do the work for us. https://open.substack.com/pub/zephoria/p/deskilling-on-the-job?r=3rvyq&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
"The expected outcome is that workers will face their utterly low wages, insecurity, and oppression with 'grit,' 'thriving,' and 'positive mindsets,' rather than agitate, organization and strike" (Ovetz, 2020, p. 9).
#highered #academiccapitalism #deskilling #precarity
A couple of weeks ago I talked about market-driven deskilling and thinking as a service.
The idea of #deskilling seemed to me a good lens through which to get some of the major changes in society into focus.
But I had never looked into if and how deskilling in #capitalist societies had already been discussed by other writers. Do people talk about how capitalism promotes deskilling? And if so, what do they say about it?
Read more on my blog: