The more I think about #Super6C, the more impressed I am with what else you could do with hardware like this. Check out the peculiar use cases of 24 processing cores!
#net_r #RaspberryPi #DeskPi
#super6c #net_r #raspberrypi #deskpi
Slightly mad things you can do with 24 core CPU! Find out more about #DeskPi Super6C - a very unique motherboard for #ComputeModule4
Swapped out my #ArgonOne case for a new #DeskPi case. All to get the #Pi4 shutting down cleanly with my #UPS but booting back up when all is OK again.
With default Pi passthrough power the unit would not stay down. So I tried to use a #SwitchBot but there was not enough space to install it on the AgonOne. Fortunately OK on the DeskPi. The only issue was that the DeskPi install on Ubuntu did not work correctly!! A simple recompile and it worked a treat. Next step to join the dots ...!!
#argonone #deskpi #pi4 #ups #SwitchBot
What could you do with 24 cores and way more RAM than you probably need? I have a couple of ideas on how #DeskPi #Super6C can be used. Find out more about this pretty capable motherboard for clustering #ComputeModule4
#deskpi #super6c #computemodule4
This little box has 24 cores and more RAM than your average PC.
Check out the #DeskPi #Super6C - a cluster bard for @raspberry_pi #ComputeModule4
#deskpi #super6c #computemodule4
So, finally, I've collected 6 #raspberryPi compute modules to power my #DeskPi #Super6c Cluster.
"Modded" with some silent fans, it's no ready to move into my private datacenter (i.e.: the corner under the stairs in the basement).