alienmelon on Virtual Pets and Desktop Toys
alienmelon is Nathalie Lawhead, a desktop toy creator who's made a lot of cool things, like the Electric Zine Maker and Cyberpet Graveyard. Back in 2021 she made this great roundup of her own desktop toy work, as well as that
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#indies #niche #retro #alienmelon #desktoptoy #electriclovepotato #electriczinemaker #indie #itchio #nathalielawhead #neko #potato #virtualpet
Smart Sphere or Magnetic Magic - Sometimes a coworker sees something on your desk, and they have to ask, “Where can... - #linefollowingrobot #inductivecharger #wirelesshacks #linefollowing #linefollower #ballbearing #marblevator #desktoptoy #toyhacks #illusion #ballbot #how-to #bb-8 #bb
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Get Pumped for This Miniature Gym #3dPrinterhacks #ArduinoHacks #peakdetector #atmega328p #desktoptoy #miniature #ledstrip #arduino #mp3
#3dPrinterhacks #ArduinoHacks #peakdetector #atmega328p #desktoptoy #miniature #ledstrip #arduino #mp3
Get Pumped for This Miniature Gym - [Duncan McIntyre] lives in the UK but participated in a secret Santa gift exchange... - #3dprinterhacks #arduinohacks #peakdetector #atmega328p #desktoptoy #miniature #ledstrip #arduino #mp3
#mp3 #arduino #ledstrip #miniature #desktoptoy #atmega328p #peakdetector #arduinohacks #3dprinterhacks