Finessing a Soldering Iron to Remove Large Connectors - One of the first tools that is added to a toolbox when working on electronics, per... - #solderingiron #desoldering #toolhacks #connector #solder #tools #blob #wire #pcb
#pcb #wire #blob #tools #solder #connector #toolhacks #desoldering #solderingiron
Finessing a Soldering Iron to Remove Large Connectors #solderingiron #desoldering #ToolHacks #connector #solder #tools #blob #wire #pcb
#solderingiron #desoldering #ToolHacks #connector #solder #tools #blob #wire #pcb
Alright folks - what are your pro tips for #desoldering? @lcamtuf you’re my only hope 😅
When you're too lazy to turn on the hot air station, but need to desolder some SMT chip:
ZEUS MINING ASIC miner maintenance knowledge:
When using tweezers and a portable desoldering gun to remove the heat sink on the Antminer S9 hash board, the temperature must be controlled at around 450 degrees Celsius.
#desoldering #heatsink #AntminerS9 #hashboard
#desoldering #heatsink #antminers9 #hashboard
So I have a couple of ICs to remove from my #bbcmaster 128 PCB. These are bog standard through hole components. I was toying with the idea of using my hot air station, but is it advisable to use this on old PCBs? I had an issue before with a #commodore #vic20 PCB that seemed to bubble and warp with very little heat... #desoldering
#BBCMaster #Commodore #vic20 #desoldering
After I have seen the gear of @svenpetersen191, I decided to up my desoldering game and got me this desoldering gun. The SS-331H is basically the same as the ZD-915. It's a fairly cheap Chinese product. But I noticed a lot of other people working on vintage gear use it.
So far I've used a suction pump, solder wick and a heat gun, which got me through. The heat gun works well for SMD stuff. But it's a beast and am always scared of using it on old hardware. #RetroComputing #Electronics #Soldering #Desoldering
#retrocomputing #electronics #soldering #desoldering
📎 rappel quand ont déssoude un composant #smt à l'air chaud pour le remplacer comme un switch par exemple, tjs recouvrir avec un peu de ruban capton-polyimide l'environement autour de la pièce. Ça permet d'éviter de perdre des résistances ou des condensateurs plus petits qu'un demi-millimètre, s'ils tombent les attrapper avec le plat des doigts #desoldering