Reckoning awaits
Through the hands of the oppressed
He who would be tsar.
#Haiku #OneHaikuADay #WritersCollective #writingcommunity #Despot #OneWorld #TerroristState
July 22, 2023
#terroriststate #oneworld #despot #writingcommunity #writerscollective #onehaikuaday #Haiku
Just as nations crown their despots in their periods of weakness, so human nature in its periods of weakness craves for despots, more than it ever craved for liberty. It is a foolish feeling, and, perhaps an immoral one, but it has one quality which may slightly interest us, it is absolutely universal:
-GK Chesterton
"Sentimental Literature" #Despot #Dictator #Authoritarian #Weakness #Liberty #Immoral #Feeling #Sentiment #GKChesterton #Quotes
#despot #dictator #authoritarian #weakness #liberty #immoral #feeling #sentiment #gkchesterton #quotes
Caesar got you down?
Ready to send him packing?
Tiny Tsar - time's up.
#Haiku #OneHaikuADay #TinyTsar #Putin #IdesOfMarch #EtTuBrute #Despot
#despot #ettubrute #IdesOfMarch #Putin #tinytsar #onehaikuaday #Haiku
"Russia suspends only remaining major nuclear treaty with US"
#Military #War #Conflict #Russia #US #Ukraine #Allies #NATO #EU #Putin #Weapons #Dictator #Despot #Autoritarian #Fascist
#fascist #autoritarian #despot #dictator #weapons #Putin #EU #NATO #allies #Ukraine #US #Russia #conflict #War #military
"A Year of Putin’s Wartime Lies: Every credible analyst of the invasion of Ukraine has been stunned by the scale of the Russian President’s folly—and his failure extends well beyond the battlefield."
#Despot #Dictator #Putler #Putin #TinyDespot #Autocracy #Oligarchy #Meglomaniac #Sociopath #War #Russia #Conflict #Ukraine
#Ukraine #conflict #Russia #War #sociopath #meglomaniac #oligarchy #autocracy #tinydespot #Putin #putler #dictator #despot
Einfach herzzerreissend was in der #Ukraine abgeht. Ein gefallener ukrainischer #Soldat wird zu seinem Wohnort zurückgebracht. Die Wehklagen der Familie sind kaum auszuhalten. 😒😞.
Und das alles nur weil ein wahnsinniger Despot sein verkacktes Land noch grösser machen will!
#StopPutin #russiaisaterroriststate #notowar #Russland #Despot #Kriegsverbrecher
#ukraine #Soldat #StopPutin #russiaisaterroriststate #notowar #Russland #despot #kriegsverbrecher
James Dolan taking cues from Musk about how to be a #despot and a #nutjob! #MSG has gone too far with #FacialRecognitionTechnology
Face recognition tech gets Girl Scout mom booted from Rockettes show — due to where she works
#FacialRecognitionTechnology #msg #nutjob #despot
Hopefully, no one is surprised by Elon Musk's actions. Twitter's power hierarchy is textbook despotism.
I understand many people have invaluable connections on twitter. However, a transition away from twitter will only be a short term pain. Boycotting despotism will be worth it in the long run.
Mir kommt dieses Verhalten der #AKP so bekannt vor...🤔
Politikverbot gegen #Imamoglu - Istanbuler #Bürgermeister wegen Beleidigung von Beamten verurteilt
#akp #imamoglu #burgermeister #turkei #politik #despot #totalitar #Erdogan
Comment s'informer en temps de guerre? Avec Slobodan #Despot, Eric #Denécé, FB Huyghes - YouTube
Report: Trump’s Justice Department Spied on at Least Five Reporters From Outlets Trump Despised
#trump #corruptgop #cult45 #uspol #despot
#trump #corruptgop #cult45 #uspol #despot