Why.... Yes of course they do - Duh!
Empowered by you to do so.
So what are you complaining about?
i.e., You brought this upon yourself and wanted it to happen - it is what it is and this is the mess you made of it.
Just be happy you got what you wanted 🎅 for 🌲 Christmas ☃️ coz some folks don't have a google to act in their best interests 🦌
#tallship #despotism #dystopia #subjugation #thought_police
#tallship #despotism #dystopia #subjugation #thought_police
Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryart #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #endfossilfuels #makeartnotwar #fckfdp #afd #fckptn #standforukraine #deserter #execution #shooting #machineguns #victim #militarycourt #screaminghead #emblematy #mentemnonformen #fox #decapitation #despotism
#kunst #contemporaryart #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #makeartnotwar #fckfdp #AfD #fckptn #standforukraine #deserter #execution #shooting #machineguns #victim #militarycourt #screaminghead #emblematy #mentemnonformen #fox #decapitation #despotism
Invade your neighbor to draw attention away from your horrible despotism. Does this sound familiar?
#Ukraine #Mexico #Putin #Trump #Fascism #Despotism #Tyranny
#ukraine #mexico #putin #trump #fascism #despotism #tyranny
Marxist literary critic Terry Eagleton has an intriguing piece on UnHurd, a site I always approach as giving an intellectual veneer to reactionary politics. The piece bounces around a bit, but he has an ear for a good phrase. https://unherd.com/2023/06/despotism-is-a-beast-of-capitalism/
"Tradition and modernity are complicit as well as conflicting. A world of constant flux and restless innovation is in danger of eroding the values by which it legitimates itself".
#despotism #authoritarianism #nationalism
A quotation from Lincoln, Abraham:
Our progress in degeneracy appears to me to be pretty rapid. As a nation we began by declaring that “all men are created equal.” We now practically read it “all men are created equal, except Negroes.” When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read “all men are created equal, except Negroes and foreigners and…
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #despotism #equality #liberty
I have a #dream of #social #justice in #America that can be balanced with a spirit of business #entrepreneurship, fair #competition, personal #development and professional #growth. #Communism is a #utopia, wild #capitalism without limits is the path to #despotism and #monopolism. #Human, its #rights and #freedom, its #health and well-being, its #prosperity and #happiness shall be the main value. Therefore, the #goverment and #society must fight for them. Public social order must be fair for all!
#society #goverment #happiness #prosperity #Health #Freedom #rights #human #monopolism #despotism #Capitalism #utopia #communism #growth #Development #competition #entrepreneurship #america #Justice #Social #dream
Trouble in Gaza?! Wait: who's King of Kings there? I have a clue. And skills.
#gaza #prayforpeace #despotism #musicvideo
Ozymandias at Damascus (Giza to Gaza)
#gaza #prayforpeace #despotism #musicvideo
#capitalism is a simple ideology. The #capitalist is, comparably, a simple minded #animal. Although, comparably, simple minded animals - don't understand that they're animals, because, there is nothing "simple" about #EvolutionaryBiology.
The core (subjective) theory of Evo #biology isn't complex, although, the outcomes of evolution are complex biochemistry. Whilst humans are complex organisms, there is an extreme variance in human intelligence.
Capitalism is a monopoly, the capitalist represses alternative lifestyles by dominance & force.
Capitalism is simple in theory & in practice. At the core of capitalism is the monetary agenda. In a 100% capitalist economy, the businesses agendas, the CEOs agendas, are to maximise their own profits. In this regards, capitalism has been extremely successful. Today, the CEOs of corporations pay themselves million dollar salaries.
BUT, the capitalist is simple. Individual greed is simple. Capitalism isn't a complex system such as a planet's ecosystem. Fundamentally, capitalism, the capitalist, exploits nature for profit. The cost of capitalism is too severe to measure. Whether that's species extinction, lives ruined by the geopolitics of the capitalist or the effects of climate change - fundamentally caused by the fuel industries narrow minded agenda to sell more of it's ecologically polluting products
In general, science discovered why & how chemicals, such a petroleum, can be used for generating heat (energy). #Science understands the general system. The capitalist is motivated to sell these fuels, & ideas #copyright, using lies #greenwash
Out of control #ClimateChange & a ecological crisis in general, is the capitalists outcome. A capitalist may simply say, to paraphrase, "capitalism has meant many people have more stuff". However, fundamentally, the capitalist doesn't think up original ideas - capitalism isn't science. Capitalism is the money, the dominant, extremely competitive economy. Ironically, if capitalism was a 100% free market economy, slavery would be the capitalist ideology. Capitalism has sustained 'slave to the system' working conditions. If the people don't own & control the corporations, the corporations control the people #economy
Capitalists tend to idolise themselves #narcissism. Successful capitalists are now rich celebrity's that, for example, use their celebrity status to become successful capitalist politicians #Trump
Trumps play book is promoting money for the masses, religion & fear of the "enemy" #manipulation
Capitalists dominate the energy industry, therefore can fund the exploitative interests of geopolitics #Putin #War
Capitalists spend huge amounts of energy (resources) advertising their ideas, often using #misinfomation & #disinformation #GreenWash
To reiterate, humans are complex organisms, with a complex social system. But capitalism is comparably simple.
Treating humans as people, not simply part of the capitalist machinery, is a more complex, but socially rewarding enterprise.
There is nothing preventing a more socially inclusive business model, other than the simple minded capitalist. The workers can be the owners of the business. The workers can be the shareholders of the business they work in. The workers can have a democracy & decide their own working conditions. But, the rich capitalist doesn't "like" a system where, for example, they don't pay themselves million dollar bonuses. The capitalist wants to make money by charging rent & interest rates. Making money is simple, when you have money to, for example, buy shares in exploitation PLC.
The capitalist is more competitive than social. The capitalist is a narcissist that wants to be the "boss". By definition, narcissists have a deluded ego. Capitalism is a self fulfilling prophecy. The capitalist believes that capitalism has been extremely "successful" because capitalism is intelligent. But, think about it, capitalism exploits workers & democracy. A corporation is an autocracy - though, in theory, it can be regulated by a democracy. In practice, capitalism is a self protection racket.
Social values, such as a sociopolitical democracy - that regulate capitalism #Wellbeing
A socioeconomic system in which the people own and control the business democratically, is, by definition, more complicated. Voting is a more complex system than an autocracy #despotism
Listening to peoples considerations is more complicated than commanding them. Humans are complex organisms, we can do far better than simplistic capitalism. Capitalism would perish in a transparent democracy. Capitalism will perish because greed & vanity can't perceive & therefore can't develop an ecologically sustainable democracy. Capitalism doesn't have to "die hard", it can be updated. Capitalism to capitalism lite, with the aim of a social democratic economy founded on the principle's of human welfare - therefore #ecological #sustainability.
#capitalism #capitalist #animal #evolutionarybiology #biology #science #copyright #greenwash #climatechange #economy #narcissism #trump #manipulation #putin #war #misinfomation #disinformation #wellbeing #despotism #ecological #sustainability
#capitalism is a simple ideology. The #capitalist is, comparably, a simple minded #animal. Although, comparably, simple minded animals - don't understand that they're animals, because, there is nothing "simple" about #EvolutionaryBiology.
The core (subjective) theory of Evo #biology isn't complex, although, the outcomes of evolution are complex biochemistry. Whilst humans are complex organisms, there is an extreme variance in human intelligence.
Capitalism is a monopoly, the capitalist represses alternative lifestyles by dominance & force.
Capitalism is simple in theory & in practice. At the core of capitalism is the monetary agenda. In a 100% capitalist economy, the businesses agendas, the CEOs agendas, are to maximise their own profits. In this regards, capitalism has been extremely successful. Today, the CEOs of corporations pay themselves million dollar salaries.
BUT, the capitalist is simple. Individual greed is simple. Capitalism isn't a complex system such as a planet's ecosystem. Fundamentally, capitalism, the capitalist, exploits nature for profit. The cost of capitalism is too severe to measure. Whether that's species extinction, lives ruined by the geopolitics of the capitalist or the effects of climate change - fundamentally caused by the fuel industries narrow minded agenda to sell more if it's ecologically polluting products #idiot
In general, science discovered why & how chemicals, such a petroleum, can be used for generating heat (energy). #Science understands the general system. The capitalist is motivated to sell these fuels, & ideas #copyright, using lies #greenwash
Out of control #ClimateChange & a ecological crisis in general, is the capitalists outcome. A capitalist may simply say, to paraphrase, "capitalism has meant many people have more stuff". However, fundamentally, the capitalist doesn't think up original ideas - capitalism isn't science. Capitalism is the money, the dominant, extremely competitive economy. Ironically, if capitalism was a 100% free market economy, slavery would be the capitalist ideology. Capitalism has sustained 'slave to the system' working conditions. If the people don't own & control the corporations, the corporations control the people #economy
Capitalists tend to idolise themselves #narcissism. Successful capitalists are now rich celebrity's that, for example, use their celebrity status to become successful capitalist politicians #Trump
Trumps play book is promoting money for the masses, religion & fear of the "enemy" #manipulation
Capitalists dominate the energy industry, therefore can fund the exploitative interests of geopolitics #Putin #War
Capitalists spend huge amounts of energy (resources) advertising their ideas, often using #misinfomation & #disinformation #GreenWash
To reiterate, humans are complex organisms, with a complex social system. But capitalism is comparably simple.
Treating humans as people, not simply part of the capitalist machinery, is a more complex, but socially rewarding enterprise.
There is nothing preventing a more socially inclusive business model, other than the simple minded capitalist. The workers can be the owners of the business. The workers can be the shareholders of the business they work in. The workers can have a democracy & decide their own working conditions. But, the rich capitalist doesn't "like" a system where, for example, they don't pay themselves million dollar bonuses. The capitalist wants to make money by charging rent & interest rates. Making money is simple, when you have money to, for example, buy shares in exploitation PLC.
The capitalist is more competitive than social. The capitalist is a narcissist that wants to be the "boss". By definition, narcissists have a deluded ego. Capitalism is a self fulfilling prophecy. The capitalist believes that capitalism has been extremely "successful" because capitalism is intelligent. But, think about it, capitalism exploits workers & democracy. A corporation is an autocracy - though, in theory, it can be regulated by a democracy. In practice, capitalism is a self protection racket.
Social values, such as a sociopolitical democracy - that regulate capitalism #Wellbeing
A socioeconomic system in which the people own and control the business democratically, is, by definition, more complicated. Voting is a more complex system than an autocracy #despotism
Listening to peoples considerations is more complicated than commanding them. Humans are complex organisms, we can do far better than simplistic capitalism. Capitalism would perish in a transparent democracy. Capitalism will perish because greed & vanity can't perceive & therefore can't develop an ecologically sustainable democracy. Capitalism doesn't have to "die hard", it can be updated. Capitalism to capitalism lite, with the aim of a social democratic economy founded on the principle's of human welfare - therefore #ecological #sustainability.
#capitalism #animal #biology #idiot #science #copyright #greenwash #climatechange #economy #narcissism #trump #manipulation #putin #war #misinfomation #disinformation #wellbeing #despotism #ecological #capitalist #evolutionarybiology #sustainability
A perhaps useful, or at the very least interesting, quick 15-minute Q&A on analyzing how the Kremlin will react to & will be affected by the ICC arrest warrant for Putin's war crimes:
:youtube: https://youtu.be/i4DQ4lpPaMI
cc @Ronkjeffries @danyork @quinn @shava23@federated.press
#geopolitics #StandWithUkraine #StopPutin #StopRussia #philosophy #GovernmentalPhilosophy #despotism #InternationalCrime / #fz_webVideos
#geopolitics #standwithukraine #stopputin #stoprussia #philosophy #governmentalphilosophy #despotism #internationalcrime #fz_webvideos
@ThomHartmann George III seems to have come back to America.
And today he appears to be a registered "Republican".
#Democracy #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #DefendAmerica #Despotism #BanTheGOP
#democracy #defenddemocracy #defendtheconstitution #DefendAmerica #despotism #banthegop
@JLownlaw Individuals like DeSantis love to exploit the courts' broad, negligent interpretation of the First Amendment, while at the same time serially violating the First Amendment ("Congress shall make no law..." also applies to states => SCOTUS, Gitlow v. New York)
#RuleOfLaw #JusticeMatters #Democracy #Freedom #FreeSpeech #Politics #Florida #Dicktator #DeInsanitis #RemoveRon #Despotism #Insurrection #Rebellion #Incitement
#ruleoflaw #JusticeMatters #democracy #freedom #freespeech #politics #florida #dicktator #deinsanitis #removeron #despotism #insurrection #rebellion #incitement
@StonksBot So say (former) twitter & Tesla employees.
#Mastodon #SocialMedia #MuskSandbox #AntisocialMedia #LeaveTwitter #MuskSucks #Histrionic #Despotism
#mastodon #socialmedia #musksandbox #antisocialmedia #leavetwitter #musksucks #histrionic #despotism
@juddlegum Political persecution à la insurrectionist Ron DeSantis.
Not the kind of freedom the Founders intended to establish in America.
#FreedomOfExpression #FreeSpeech #FirstAmendment #Democracy #EducationNow #RemoveRon #ConDesantis #DisqualifyDeSantis #Despotism #UnAmerican
#freedomofexpression #freespeech #firstamendment #democracy #educationnow #removeron #condesantis #disqualifydesantis #despotism #unamerican
@democracydocket Time to hold the systematically voter-suppressing & -defrauding "GOP" machinery accountable for obstucting people's sacred right to vote, just so racist "Republicans" can falsely claim to be a legitimate majority, when they're in fact not.
#RuleOfLaw #FreeAndFairElections #UnelectableGOP #Despotism #ElectoralFraud #ElectoralApartheid #AccountabilityMatters
#ruleoflaw #freeandfairelections #unelectablegop #despotism #electoralfraud #electoralapartheid #accountabilitymatters
This Constitution can only end in #despotism when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other
> This is American workers talking about their experiences in the 1840s. The labor press also condemned what they called the “#BoughtPriesthood,” referring to the #media and the #universities and the #IntellectualClass, that is, the #apologists who sought to justify the absolute #despotism that was the new spirit of the age and to instill its sordid and demeaning values...the mission of the #LaborMovement as to overcome “the sins and superstitions of the market”...
#Chomsky with #Ware (1924!)
#Ware #chomsky #labormovement #despotism #apologists #IntellectualClass #universities #media #boughtPriesthood
In Turkey, philanthropist Osman Kavala did good. Now he sits in prison for life.
"Turkish President Recep Tayyip #Erdogan is striding ever more quickly toward despotic rule. Facing growing unpopularity, he is silencing those who would criticize or challenge him before June elections."
#OsmanKavala #Turkey #despotism
#erdogan #osmankavala #turkey #despotism
@TonyStark Going through the list of things DeSantis has done or is planning to do, you could almost get the impression that he's an insurrectionist rebelling against the authority of the United States & their democratic constitutional order.
#RuleOfLaw #Democracy #Freedom #FreeSpeech #Education #CivilRights #HumanRights #Politics #Despotism #Corruption #RemoveRon #AbuseOfPower
#ruleoflaw #democracy #freedom #freespeech #education #civilrights #humanrights #politics #despotism #corruption #removeron #abuseofpower
David Remnick: The Weakness of the Despot: Stephen Kotkin, an expert on Stalin discusses Putin, Russia, and the West.
https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/stephen-kotkin-putin-russia-ukraine-stalin @thepoliticalcat #putin #russia #despotism