An example of a countrtry that had stamped out an illicit trade and with the intervention of the US seems to have revived it. And a host of other problems also.
Don't buy the line that the USA lost in #Afghanistan either, #destabilisation *is* their goal.
There are so many example of #foreignMeddling, interventions, regimeChange etc.
Regrettably #MichaelParenti's War on Yugoslavia speech (1999, 1:17:26) could have been written yesterday.
#afghanistan #destabilisation #foreignMeddling #MichaelParenti
The country coined 'the only democracy in the Middle East' tried to destroy political systems around the world. Here a page with links to reports by Haaretz. https://us18.campaign-archive.com/?e=cf5f85948e&u=d3bceadb340d6af4daf1de00d&id=0c5cc177c7 #Israel #destabilisation #cyber
#israel #destabilisation #cyber
Devoir de mémoire | La #destabilisation du Sahel est liée à la #disparition du guide #libyen.
Venez pas #combattre à notre #place, nous n’avons pas #besoin de forces #extérieures.
Aidez-nous à pour les moyens de nous battre.
Dixit feu #ATT, ex-Pdt du 🇲🇱.
#nous_sommes_le_mali #att #exterieures #besoin #place #combattre #Libyen #disparition #destabilisation