#MeidasTouch Network News & Opinion - #LegalAF Podcast - Saturday Edition: https://www.youtube.com/live/FZtYvmn0nsE?si=AojdczezJl-Ocrns
The Creators of #DestinationFear present the #ProjectFear #YouTube Show — SOMEONE BROKE IN | Our Most Dangerous Overnight: https://youtu.be/IurPGcbETkU?si=0cz0_8xC8fkBxGFG
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#YouTube #projectfear #destinationfear #legalaf #MeidasTouch
#MeidasTouch Network News & Opinion - Meidas Monday Updates: https://www.youtube.com/live/ESMwZwd68oo?feature=share
The Creators of #DestinationFear present the #ProjectFear #YouTube Show —
a. #5 — We Captured a Demon at #JolietPrison: https://youtu.be/d7QCl3daK5Y
b. #6 — Chained with a Demon for an Entire Night: https://youtu.be/omciXe2WVyc
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#jolietprison #YouTube #projectfear #destinationfear #MeidasTouch
#MeidasTouch Network News & Opinion - #FiveMinuteNews - The Weekend Show: https://www.youtube.com/live/X1ml2ylx_KI?feature=share
The Creators of #DestinationFear present the #ProjectFear #YouTube Show —
a. #3 — Hospital on Haunted Hill - Overnight Turned Evil: https://youtu.be/xF9H7ypuld0
b. #4 — I Was Locked in a Haunted Body Cooler Overnight: https://youtu.be/6AvhaGqabhs
#FoleyIsPod Podcast #63 with #MickFoley and #ConradThompson (The Best Of Foley Is Pod Volume 7): https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucG9kY2FzdG9uZS5jb20vcG9kY2FzdD9jYXRlZ29yeUlEMj0yMjgy/episode/MDkwYTY5YzItMzdjYi0xMWVlLWIyZDUtOTdmOTE3OTI1MzMz?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwjwr_DcgduAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg
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#conradthompson #mickfoley #foleyispod #YouTube #projectfear #destinationfear #fiveminutenews #MeidasTouch
#MeidasTouch Network News & Opinion - #LegalAF Podcast - Saturday Edition: https://www.youtube.com/live/W9qEBfl8DI8?feature=share
The Creators of #DestinationFear present the #ProjectFear #YouTube Show —
a. #1 - The Haunted Sanitarium that Changed Us Forever: https://youtu.be/zzMGIPELYCo
b. #2 - Real Poltergeist Activity while Sleeping Alone: https://youtu.be/20hCkJTwJVk
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#YouTube #projectfear #destinationfear #legalaf #MeidasTouch
A new season of #KindredSpirits dropped on #DiscoveryPlus
Can't wait to see what #ChipCoffey #AmyBruni and #AdamBerry get into this season.
If it's anything like #DestinationFear was this past season, it's gonna be a hell of a fun ride.
#kindredspirits #DiscoveryPlus #chipcoffey #amybruni #adamberry #destinationfear #paranormal #ghosts
TV TONIGHT (January 13)
#HuntersTV #Servant #Echo3 #BreakPoint #TheDrop #GoldLiesAndVideotape #DestinationFear #GeorgeEzraEndToEnd #SuperLeague #StorefrontStories #TrialByFire #StabThatCake #FireCountry #LopezVsLopez #BMF #DragRace #ATimeToKill
#ATimeToKill #dragrace #bmf #lopezvslopez #firecountry #stabthatcake #trialbyfire #storefrontstories #SuperLeague #georgeezraendtoend #destinationfear #goldliesandvideotape #thedrop #breakpoint #Echo3 #servant #HuntersTV
#YoungRock on #NBC
#AncientAliens on #HistoryChannel
#AEWRampage on #TNT
The #LastWord with #LawrenceODonnell on #MSNBC
#DestinationFear - "Norwich State Hospital (#Norwich-#Preston, #Connecticut)" on #TravelChannel
#WWE #Smackdown live on #FOX
#WWE #NXTLevelUp on #Peacock in U.S. and #WWENetwork elsewhere
The #TonightShow with #JimmyFallon on #NBC #FallonTonight
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#fallontonight #JimmyFallon #tonightshow #wwenetwork #peacock #nxtlevelup #fox #smackdown #wwe #travelchannel #connecticut #preston #norwich #destinationfear #msnbc #lawrenceodonnell #lastword #tnt #AEWRampage #historychannel #ancientaliens #nbc #YoungRock
TV TONIGHT (January 6)
#DragRace #MythicQuest #TheMosquitoCoast #BMF #TheRig #Helpsters #CosmicLove #MumbaiMafia #PressureCooker #SharkTank #FireCountry #GoldRush #SmackDown #BoysInBlue #ReadyToLove #AllTheSingleLadies #DestinationFear #AncientAliens
#ancientaliens #destinationfear #allthesingleladies #readytolove #boysinblue #smackdown #goldrush #firecountry #sharktank #pressurecooker #mumbaimafia #cosmiclove #Helpsters #TheRig #bmf #themosquitocoast #MythicQuest #dragrace
#YoungRock on #NBC
#AEWRampage on #TNT
#AEW Battle of the Belts V on #TNT
The #LastWord with #LawrenceODonnell on #MSNBC
#AncientAliens on #HistoryChannel
#DestinationFear - "Mid-Orange Correctional Facility (#Warwick, #NewYork)" on #TravelChannel
#WWE #Smackdown live on #FOX
#WWE #NXTLevelUp on #Peacock in U.S. and #WWENetwork elsewhere
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#wwenetwork #peacock #nxtlevelup #fox #smackdown #wwe #travelchannel #NewYork #warwick #destinationfear #historychannel #ancientaliens #msnbc #lawrenceodonnell #lastword #aew #tnt #AEWRampage #nbc #YoungRock
TV TONIGHT (December 30)
#WereHere #SlowHorses #TheWheel #WhiteNoise #TheEstablishedHome #HandcraftedHotels #Wildcat #Island #ChicagoPartyAunt #LaReinaDelSur #SecretsOfSummer #SmackDown #OrangeBowl #CollegeFootball #GoldRush #DestinationFear #AEWRampage
#AEWRampage #destinationfear #goldrush #collegefootball #OrangeBowl #smackdown #secretsofsummer #lareinadelsur #chicagopartyaunt #Island #wildcat #handcraftedhotels #theestablishedhome #Whitenoise #thewheel #SlowHorses #werehere
#ThisWeekinWWE on demand on #Peacock in U.S. and #WWENetwork elsewhere
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#AEWRampage on #TNT
#DestinationFear - "Ashmore Estates (#Ashmore, #Illinois)" on #TravelChannel
#WWE #Smackdown live on #FOX
#WWE #NXTLevelUp on #Peacock in U.S. and #WWENetwork elsewhere
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#nxtlevelup #fox #smackdown #wwe #travelchannel #illinois #ashmore #destinationfear #tnt #AEWRampage #YouTube #NWAPOWERRR #wwenetwork #peacock #thisweekinwwe
#WWEMainEvent on #Hulu (older episodes available on demand on #Peacock in U.S. and #WWENetwork elsewhere)
#ThisWeekinWWE on demand on #Peacock in U.S. and #WWENetwork elsewhere
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#AEWRampage on #TNT
#DestinationFear - "Winchester Mystery House (#SanJose, #California)" on #TravelChannel
#WWE #Smackdown live on #FOX
#WWE #NXTLevelUp on #Peacock in U.S. and #WWENetwork elsewhere
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#nxtlevelup #fox #smackdown #wwe #travelchannel #California #sanjose #destinationfear #tnt #AEWRampage #YouTube #NWAPOWERRR #thisweekinwwe #wwenetwork #peacock #hulu #wwemainevent
#WWEMainEvent on #Hulu (older episodes available on demand on #Peacock in U.S. and #WWENetwork elsewhere)
#ThisWeekinWWE on demand on #Peacock in U.S. and #WWENetwork elsewhere
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#AEWRampage on #TNT
#DestinationFear - "Winchester Mystery House (#SanJose, #California)" on #TravelChannel
#WWE #Smackdown live on #FOX
#WWE #NXTLevelUp on #Peacock in U.S. and #WWENetwork elsewhere
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#nxtlevelup #fox #smackdown #wwe #travelchannel #California #sanjose #destinationfear #tnt #AEWRampage #YouTube #NWAPOWERRR #thisweekinwwe #wwenetwork #peacock #hulu #wwemainevent
#DestinationFear Tanner is picking the location and that's already a hilarious choice. He always finds a great way to shake things up. Also - GOATS!!
#YoungRock on #NBC
#AEWRampage on #TNT
#DestinationFear - "Old Historic Harriman Hospital (#Harriman, #Tennessee)" on #TravelChannel
#WWE #Smackdown live on #FOX
#WWE #NXTLevelUp on #Peacock in U.S. and #WWENetwork elsewhere
The #TonightShow with #JimmyFallon on #NBC #FallonTonight
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#fallontonight #JimmyFallon #tonightshow #wwenetwork #peacock #nxtlevelup #fox #smackdown #wwe #travelchannel #tennessee #harriman #destinationfear #tnt #AEWRampage #nbc #YoungRock
Seven (7) TV shows to know me better:
#TheWalkingDead #doctorwho #strangerthings #whatwedointheshadows #theboys #umbrellaacademy #destinationfear #starwars #mcu #marvel
Pouring down rain outside so it must be time to watch the #DestinationFear 4.
This new episode they're here in the state of Ohio in a town called Defiance. Apparently at a haunted vacant school. Sounds like a good place to chill lmao
#WhoseLine Is It Anyway? on #TheCW
#YoungRock on #NBC
#AEWRampage on #TNT
#DestinationFear - "Defiance Junior High School (#Defiance, #Ohio)" on #TravelChannel
#WWE #Smackdown live on #FOX
#WWE #NXTLevelUp on #Peacock in U.S. and #WWENetwork elsewhere
The #TonightShow with #JimmyFallon on #NBC #FallonTonight
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#fallontonight #JimmyFallon #tonightshow #wwenetwork #peacock #nxtlevelup #fox #smackdown #wwe #travelchannel #Ohio #defiance #destinationfear #tnt #AEWRampage #nbc #YoungRock #thecw #WhoseLine
It's #DestinationFear time! Who else likes #paranormal TV? I basically watch EVERY paranormal show EXCEPT Ghost Adventures, because I just can't handle Zak Bagans, he just gives intense dbag vibes, and I just can't 🤣