🇬🇧 #Britain has just 40 #tanks and around a dozen #frigates and #destroyers ready to go to war, it has emerged.
The figures are the lowest in modern times and MPs suggest they show that 🇬🇧 would struggle to fight a war against #Russia 🇷🇺
#fundbritainssecurity #fundbritainsdefence #Russia #destroyers #frigates #tanks #britain
Design Milk : Hem X Creative Platform Drops the Limited-Edition PROPS Stool Collection https://design-milk.com/hem-x-creative-platform-drops-the-limited-edition-props-stool-collection/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hem-x-creative-platform-drops-the-limited-edition-props-stool-collection #Destroyers/Builders #ModernDesignReview #HomeFurnishings #homefurnishings #HenrikØdegaard #SeongilChoi #WendyAndreu #OddMatter #seating #ShoOta #stool #Main #HemX #art #Hem
#destroyers #moderndesignreview #homefurnishings #henrikodegaard #seongilchoi #wendyandreu #oddmatter #seating #shoota #stool #main #hemx #art #hem
The three #destroyers of humanity
#destroyers #soros #gates #schwab #unholytrinity
The three #destroyers of humanity
#destroyers #soros #gates #schwab #unholytrinity
Republicans.... they are the
#Destroyers of Knowledge and Progress.
They are sucking the life out of our country and profiting from doing that at the same time...💩
Library funding becomes the 'nuclear option' as the battle over books escalates
Missouri is one of a growing number of places where government funding is being deployed as the newest weapon in the fight over books.
They are all just low-life power-trippers 💩
😃 Tenemos mucha suerte de vivir aquí, y lo sabemos, hagamos que esa suerte sea un logro y llegaremos a la gran dicha de merecer lo que tenemos.
🟥 Ayer la Confluencia de Izquierdas de Puerto Real tuvimos un bonito encuentro donde nos cargamos de energía positiva para afrontar la campaña electoral con la convicción de que vamos a ganar las elecciones. Y de que Aurora Salvador Colorado, será la próxima alcaldesa de Puerto Real.
@Confluencia De Izquierdas De Puerto Real @Izquierda Unida Puerto Real @Verdes Equo Puerto Real #Independientes #encuentro #evento #fiestaparalagente #fiesta #Gente #Destroyers #canteflamenco #candidata #AhoraAurora #AuroraAlcaldesa #ConfluenciadeIzquierdas #ParaLaGente #IU #Equo #28M #eleccionesmunicipales2023 #puertoreal #Cádiz
#independientes #encuentro #evento #fiestaparalagente #fiesta #gente #destroyers #canteflamenco #candidata #ahoraaurora #auroraalcaldesa #confluenciadeizquierdas #paralagente #iu #equo #28m #eleccionesmunicipales2023 #puertoreal #cadiz
RT from Navy Recognition (@NavyRecognition)
#Raytheon wins contract to modernize #Zumwaltclass #destroyers
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/NavyRecognition/status/1649317452306608130
#raytheon #zumwaltclass #destroyers
Today I am writing about Royal Naval ships, Bristol, Coventry, Vernon, Vampire, Dryad, Courageous, Ark Royal, Douglas, and might say something about the submarine Holland 1.
#Navy #Portsmouth #Destroyers #Frigates #Aircraft carriers #submarines #History
#navy #portsmouth #destroyers #frigates #aircraft #submarines #history
#LockheedMartin won a #contract worth more than $2 billion, if all options are exercised, to integrate the Conventional Prompt Strike (#CPS) weapon system onto #ZUMWALT-class guided #missile #destroyers (DDGs).
Press release here: https://news.lockheedmartin.com/2023-02-17-Lockheed-Martin-Awarded-1-1-Billion-Initial-Contract-to-Provide-Nations-First-Sea-Based-Hypersonic-Strike-Capability
#news #defenseindustry #militaryindustrialcomplex #lockheedmartin #contract #cps #zumwalt #missile #destroyers
Finished up a Skorpekh Lord for my Necrons last night whilst working on some Sisters of Battle
#Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #PaintSlam23 #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingGamesWorkshop #PaintingWarhammer2023 #Warhammer40000 #Warhammer40k #Necrons #Sautekh #SautekhDynasty #Destroyers #SkorpekhLord
#warmongers #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #paintslam23 #paintingwarhammer #paintinggamesworkshop #paintingwarhammer2023 #warhammer40000 #warhammer40k #Necrons #sautekh #sautekhdynasty #destroyers #skorpekhlord
Our first walking tour of the year was a a lot of fun despite the chilly weather. Over 50 people joined Dennis Evanosky to tour Paru Street on Sunday, and here's an excerpt from the tour, and a teaser for the next one!
#alameda #history #walkingtours #bayfarmschool #destroyers #teutoniaparkhomestead #marcuseandremmel
#alameda #history #walkingtours #bayfarmschool #destroyers #teutoniaparkhomestead #marcuseandremmel