To @GOP, elderly & disabled folks are a burden & produce nothing.. so, like Paul Ryan suggested, "Just push Momma off a cliff in her wheelchair!"
GOP are the most heartless people in the world! Profit comes before humanity! #DestroyGOP for good!
Sure.. @GOP-#MAGA-#KKK may promise not to hold the debt ceiling hostage in June.. & not to touch #SocialSecurity & #Medicare w/it.. just like they promised not to touch #RoeVWade..
We see how criminals keep their promises. #NeverTrustGOP #DestroyGOP #VoteBlue2024
#maga #kkk #socialsecurity #medicare #roevwade #nevertrustgop #destroygop #VoteBlue2024
Well, @MSNBC is working hard to rehabilitate the @GOP w/#fascist guests Rick Tyler and John Kasich.. when we clearly should just #DestroyGOP forever!
No negotiating with terrorists!
Don't be a #MAGA moron! #VoteBlueIn2024 #VoteBlueEveryElection
#destroygop #maga #votebluein2024 #voteblueeveryelection
Understand that conservative justices on #IllegitimateSCOTUS had been setting up to overturn #RoeVWade for decades.
They finally got the chance with Dobbs.
#DestroyGOP forever & build a new #ProgressiveParty! #ExpandSCOTUS! #TermLimits
#illegitimatescotus #roevwade #destroygop #ProgressiveParty #expandscotus #termlimits
Surprisingly, Trump upset @GOP's plan to take over our democracy... they worked for 50 years to whittle away at it, but Trump's impulsiveness & unpredictability exposed them before their plan could go into operation. We must #DestroyGOP as a party FOREVER!
.@GOP (ie #MoscowMitch) kept Trump thru 2 impeachments to get an #IllegitimateSCOTUS
Mark Meadows got $41 mil of property around the WH, GOP passed #CitizensUnited in 2010, #VotingRights disabled 2013, etc
GOP tried slow #Sedition over 50 years. #DestroyGOP now!
@GOP's Scalia in 2013 said #VotingRights was racist to allow GOP to take more power.
@FoxNews was part of the @GOP scheme beginning in the 90s with Roger Ailes.1984, Ailes worked on the campaign to reelect traitor Ronald Reagan.
#moscowmitch #illegitimatescotus #citizensunited #votingrights #sedition #destroygop
Agrees with who???
Comer's a fukking terrorist like the rest of his @GOP-#MAGA-#KKK
These GOP cretins are ALL #Fascist #Koch corporate terrorists
#DestroyGOP at all costs!! We will pay dearly if we do not!
#maga #kkk #fascist #koch #destroygop
From Nixon To Trump - The Incomplete History of GOP Treason
I told you.. @GOP are fukking criminals! #DestroyGOP at all costs!
The Republican Party dates 1854-1890.
Another, #fascist party CALLED THEMSELVES @GOP after 1890, but it ISN'T the liberal party of Lincoln.. Koch Party of #Fascist terrorists is more like it
#DestroyGOP at all costs!! We will pay dearly if we do not!
@GOP-#MAGA has insanely lusted for power since destroying our economy in 1929! They attempted #Fascist #Insurrection against FDR in 1933 when he tried to help us. They joined with Southern #MAGA Confederates in 1968. #DestroyGOP AT ALL COSTS!
#maga #fascist #insurrection #destroygop