skreets · @skreets
280 followers · 239 posts · Server

In case anyone still had illusions about the "anarchist" aspects of fighting within and alongside national armies ():

Here one of the solidarity groups (Anarchist Black Cross Dresden) admits:

1) their aid has went directly to the state and the military
2) one main supporter stole a lot of the cash [as we knew already]
3) an untold amount of anarchists have joined the nazi battalions
4) they're still down to support the ones fighting alongside nazis if someone includes a note about it

While I do appreciate the groups honesty and validates so much of the reason why there should never have been support for this war and watching the western anarchists rally for it alongside their liberal allies was nauseating and a no-forgive action.

Personally, I will always elevate those seeking to dismantle the war effort, not just the fighting on one-side or the other. You can't separate your theory from your action and this post clearly illustrates why:

#ukraine #SolidaritywithRefugees #destroytheborders #nowarbuttheclasswar

Last updated 2 years ago