An arrogant and wittless alliance of slavemasonic headonist scions and vindictive without reason Responders are not the people from whom to procure your moral compass. They are empty of cause and are provided unlimited sex slaves to ejaculate orgies of insults against people that never made them suffer what they are "serving" out to us. Responder Lodges are absurd to stress the importance of memory when they never learn from history, endlessly repeating what never achieved any inteded result before, putting into practice Einstein's definition of insanity. Their monuments to false superiority should be destroyed. When they say they "do nothing wrong," it is only because they have ejaculated orgies of insults to sire monuments of of sex and work slavery to preserve the memory of oppression. They are not moral authorities and spiritual leaders; they just jack with slave. They did everything wrong. They are not better than us and their monuments are an ugly and useless ediface.
#RespondersAreAHateGroup #DestroyTheirSlaveryMemorials
#respondersareahategroup #destroytheirslaverymemorials #acab #afab