Rev. Kellyn Delgado · @kellyn
28 followers · 29 posts · Server

I think are stupid. Most of them are just blown up . The ones that aren't tend to lack physical keyboards to actually get work done when you need it. Sure, you can pay extra for a keyboard but why when you can get a 2in1 for less money and comes with a keyboard? are the worst offenders because they can't even do basic window management or support multiple displays properly. Just get a since you get all that plus & apps.

#tablets #smartphones #detachable #ipads #chromebook #android #linux #rant

Last updated 2 years ago

:velvetahegao: Vorepone · @Vorepone
349 followers · 4917 posts · Server
:velvetahegao: Vorepone · @Vorepone
349 followers · 4917 posts · Server