RT @Team_Luftwaffe
Wenn unsere #Eurofighter beim @NATO #AirPolicing Baltikum mal etwas länger in der Luft sein müssen, stehen die @airbus #A400M als fliegende Tankstellen über dem verschneiten Baltikum bereit. #SecuringTheSkies #DeterAndDefend #WeAreNATO @GermanyNATO @NATO_AIRCOM
#eurofighter #AirPolicing #a400m #SecuringTheSkies #deteranddefend #wearenato
RT @SHAPE_NATO@twitter.com
In response to Russia's use of military force against Ukraine, NATO has increased its presence on the eastern flank. NATO now has eight Multinational Battlegroups from the Baltic to the Black Sea.
Find out more in the following video.
#StrongerTogether #DeterAndDefend
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SHAPE_NATO/status/1616480735715524618
#deteranddefend #strongertogether
The U.S.🇺🇸will deploy additional forces to Estonia, consisting of an infantry company, a HIMARS platoon, and associated command and control equipment and systems.
✅Strengthening NATO’s forward defences
✅Increasing the security of our Alliance
RT @Team_Luftwaffe@twitter.com
Wieder war eine Iljuschin IL-20 ohne Flugplan und Transpondersignal im intern. Luftraum zwischen dem 🇷🇺 Kernland und Kaliningrad unterwegs. Die 🇩🇪#QRA aus Ämari in 🇪🇪 startete und konnte das Luftfahrzeug identifizieren. #VAPB #WeareNATO #Deteranddefend #Eurofighter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Team_Luftwaffe/status/1597151614145794048
#qra #VAPB #WeAreNATO #deteranddefend #eurofighter