Tory values? #detestabletories
A Tory councillor in Bromley has come under fire for suggesting a rape victim in Plumstead was 'likely' to be a prostitute
Colonial ruler encouraged by colonial broadcaster. Tories determined to wipe out democracy in Scotland. #DetestableTories
The Scottish secretary, Alister Jack has said the UK government shares the concerns some people have with the bill particularly about the safety of women and children. Ministers are to consider whether or not to block the legislation
@LenoreSimson Mone and many other Tory profiteers need to spend time in jail for substantial periods for ripping off the country, their behaviour is the very worst type of opportunist greed.
The Tories promise everything but do nothing, it is time we chose an alternative to "Schrödinger's" government, ruling but not, building houses but not etc...the only thing they manage to do is to enrich themselves and their cronies whilst impoverishing the country and it's people.
Time for a change.
#generalelection #detestabletories #corruption #fbpe #gtto
The Tories promise everything but do nothing, it is time we chose an alternative to "Schrödinger's" government, ruling but not, building houses but not etc...the only thing they manage to do is to enrich themselves and their cronies whilst impoverishing the country and it's people.
Time for a change.
#generalelection #detestabletories #corruption #fbpe #gtto
@barryhope @eumenades @lorddarcy The Tory agenda has always been in favour of slavery, either outright or wage slavery/ job dependency through the removal of any element of social security.
They don't want you to feel secure, they want you to feel scared and isolated so they can profit from your labour whilst they live in luxury.
Let's get rid of them
#corruption #fbpe #generalelection #detestabletories #gtto
@goodlawproject Disgusting behaviour by Mone, her husband and associates. Infuriatingly, with the Tories in full "move along, nothing to see here" mode, it will be difficult to exact any sanction on these parasites.
#generalelection #detestabletories #gtto
@PaulWillner The "representative" part of representative democracy seems to majority wise absent in the houses of parliament.... except when their own interests are being discussed.
Too busy eating lavish meals and cut-price wine at our expense I suppose 😐. Except for Cruella of course who is probably heiling in the mirror and birching herself.
#detestabletories #gtto #parliamentaryreform #mpexpenses
@goodlawproject Didn’t think I could get more angry about this rotten, corrupt shower, but I can. #DetestableTories
Truss is the exemplar of the "clever sheep" that comprise the UK government. Constantly flocking to either defend their own or demonise "the other".
So limited in their analyses that they are oft diverted in short order except when concerning the bottomless pit that is Brexit when "they do not so much fly as plummet".
The clever sheep, a most dangerous animal.
(With my apologies to Defaid go iawn ym hobman)
#detesttoryvalues #fbpe #detestabletories #generalelection #gtto
@RDHale Or person devalues pensions by £75 billion, gets a pay-off and is allowed to just say "wasn't me"
#detestabletories #jailkwarteng
Do you think we are safe from Nadine Dorries on Mastodon given that it takes more than 3 un-pickled brain cells to sign up?
@peterthepig De Pfunct De Pfeffel didn't care that people were dying due to Hancock's negligence, like many Tories they saw/see Covid as an opportunity to "cleanse" the population of the vulnerable and economically non-viable (their words) and were happy to "let the bodies pile high"
#generalelection #detestabletories
#WinterIsComing #DetestableTories
#detestabletories #winteriscoming
Nicola Sturgeon is getting a lot of stick because she was honest enough to say she detests the Tories. So do millions of us. Millions & millions & millions. Please share if you agree. #Sturgeon #DetestableTories #NastyParty #Kuenssberg
#Kuenssberg #nastyparty #detestabletories #sturgeon