⤴️ After reading this #NeuroPaper I have to say it is much more interesting than what I thought at first view! And particularly well-written, illustrated and clear!
A must-read for anyone interested in #Dopamine #ReinforcementLearning #Reward #Value #RewardPredictionError #Navigation #Shortcuts #Detours #CognitiveMap (maybe) #Inference with some future hints of #HippocampalReplay !
Congrats to all authors, let me know if any is on here!
#neuropaper #dopamine #reinforcementlearning #reward #value #rewardpredictionerror #navigation #shortcuts #detours #cognitivemap #inference #hippocampalreplay
The NSW #Koala #Conservation efforts to provide a safer #WildlifeCorridor by erecting a sign have been nullified by speeding motorists after just two weeks. The koala sign has been unearthed and the sign has been stolen.
#BellingenShire #Bellingen #MoreRoads #Detours #Cars #Speeding #Koalas #NorthCoast #Biodiversity #Habitat
#koala #conservation #wildlifecorridor #bellingenshire #bellingen #moreroads #detours #cars #speeding #koalas #northcoast #biodiversity #habitat
Ein bisschen mit Microsofts Detours Spielen https://github.com/FreeSoftwareDevlopment/processMaster-dll-injector