Nie raz wspominałam o szkodliwości osób wymienionych w TW. Romanowska nie odpuszcza, ale z jednym ma rację. Na niebieskim forum faktycznie można było znaleźć formułki. Za czasów świetności niebieskiego forum medycyna transpłciowość postrzegała dychotomicznie. Aby uzyskać dostęp do MIAPu trzeba było spełnić wiele warunków. Najlepiej, gdyby poczucie tożsamości przeciwnej do AGAB występowało od dzieciństwa. Obecnie sytuacja wygląda całkowicie inaczej, choć pewnie nie u wszystkich (np. L-S).
Powodami detranzycji osób zakwalifikowanych do tranzycji były: system medyczny i system wsparcia, wąskie rozumienie transpłciowości, brak psychoedukacji.
Odpowiem jeszcze na pytanie zawarte w tytule. Zbigniew Liber zamknął gabinet. W sumie to dobrze, bo powinien siedzieć. Więcej o tym w kolejnym tootku.
#tranzycja #detranzycja #trans #detrans #lgbt #LewStarowicz #ZbigniewLiber #tref #romanowska
#tranzycja #detranzycja #trans #detrans #lgbt #lewstarowicz #zbigniewliber #tref #romanowska
#Politics #BigGovernment #Government #DeepState #Feds #FBI #Entrapment #Conspiracy #Corruption #WorldEconomicForum #WEF #UN #UnitedNations #EU #WorldGoverment #Gattaca #Eugenics #BlackRock #LarryFlink #ESG #NWO #NewWorldOrder #Cult #Cultist #Cultists #DeathCult #Culling #PopulationControl #Democrat #Democrats #DeTrans #Trans #TransGender #TransGenderism #America #American #Americans #Abuse #Child #ChildAbuse
#childabuse #child #abuse #americans #american #america #transgenderism #transgender #trans #detrans #democrats #democrat #populationcontrol #culling #deathcult #Cultists #cultist #cult #newworldorder #nwo #esg #LarryFlink #blackrock #eugenics #gattaca #WorldGoverment #eu #unitednations #un #wef #worldeconomicforum #corruption #conspiracy #entrapment #fbi #feds #deepstate #government #biggovernment #politics
#Detrans grifters on social media want more regulation to prevent them from making the "wrong choices" after age 18.
#Transphobes commenting think that the way to prevent "wrong choices" is to end #gender #affirming care altogether because no person, at any age, can make good choices.
These are the same people who think government-mandated #vaccinations are #fascism.
I think they're right. #Conservatives need to be prevented from making any choices for their entire lifetimes since they seem incapable of making good ones and won't take responsibility for the few they do make.
Leave those of us who are #adults willing to take #responsibility for our own actions alone, though, please. We're not broken the way that they are. Thanks.
#trans #genderAffirmingMedicalCare #transphobia #socialMedia
#detrans #transphobes #gender #affirming #vaccinations #fascism #conservatives #adults #responsibility #trans #genderaffirmingmedicalcare #transphobia #socialmedia
Elle force son fils gay a devenir une femme parce qu'elle voulait une fille et qu'elle est homophobe #gay #trans #detrans
Ob die Kolleg*innen bei SternTV wussten, wenn sie sich da in die Sendung über #detrans geholt haben?
Update zum Fachartikel zu #Detransition: neue Studien wurden eingearbeitet u. der Text überarbeitet. Eine bessere Gesundheitsversorgung für trans*Personen wird gefordert, die die Bedürfnisse von detransitionierenden Personen beinhaltet.
#detrans #deinedgti
#deinedgti #detrans #detransition
The undercurrent that we're somehow just wildly throwing hormones around is as false as it is offensive. Both to those of us who provide care and those of us who access it.
At the bottom is a list of #detrans studies. But the extra large 25.6 is a bit misleading, no? Because it's double (or 10x, depending on the study) what other studies found, and all we know about the study sample after analysis is the rate of single pharmacy utilization in this one highly specialized sample.
What were they supposed to do? You were a goddamn Navy SEAL, not some wide-eyed teenager. You want us to think you should be trusted with an automatic weapon and a top security clearance but you're too daft to manage hormones? abolish the military already. #Detrans #FoxNews #TransGenocide #WarOnTransPeople
#detrans #foxnews #transgenocide #WarOnTransPeople
What were they supposed to do? You were a goddamn Navy SEAL, not some wide-eyed teenager. You want us to think you should be trusted with an automatic weapon and a top security clearance but you're too daft to manage hormones? abolish the military already. #Detrans #FoxNews #TransGenocide #WarOnTransPeople
#detrans #foxnews #transgenocide #WarOnTransPeople
This former 'detransitioner' is fighting back against the anti-trans movement she once took part in.
#trans #transgender #detrans #detransition
#trans #transgender #detrans #detransition
I was 16. NEVER let anyone tell you this isn’t happening. #detrans #detransition #detransitioner #ProtectOurChildren
#detrans #Detransition #detransitioner #ProtectOurChildren
I am sad for her, that she had to endure alt that abuse. And felt she had to contribute to it. But here is another detranser gone trans :) Ky Schevers after all *is* trans*
#ex-gay #ex-trans #detrans #detransition #transgender #comingout
#comingout #transgender #detransition #detrans #ex
RT @desisteraqua: I was diagnosed as trans and given my letter of recommendation in 15 minutes. #detrans #detransition
Ich bin Mitte 20, habe eine medizinische FtM-Transition hinter mir (T, Mastek und Hysto) und lebe nun wieder als Frau.
Wenn sich andere #Detrans Leute vernetzen möchten - gern!
A #detrans #woman in the #UK regretted transitioning and said she wasn't ready for a #hysterectomy
#hysterectomy #uk #woman #detrans
A #detrans #woman in the #UK regretted transitioning and said she wasn't ready for a #hysterectomy
#hysterectomy #uk #woman #detrans