"Why do you make #VideoGames"❓
111 industry icons provide their personal and, at times, astonishing answers in this 2019 mook. 📖
Big thanks to
@pgaultier for the heads up on his fantastic work with
@l1nterview ! ♥️🙏
Check out the collection here:
👉 https://thevideogamelibrary.org/book/l-1nterview-why-do-you-make-video-games
#L1nterview #VideoGameCreators #ShigeruMiyamoto #KarolinaStachyra #TheWitcher3 #WarrenSpector #DeusEx #MurielTramis #GameDev #Halo #Interviews #GamingWorld #GameMakers #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Mario #Zelda
#zelda #mario #bookstodon #Books #book #gamemakers #gamingworld #interviews #halo #GameDev #murieltramis #deusex #WarrenSpector #TheWitcher3 #karolinastachyra #shigerumiyamoto #videogamecreators #l1nterview #videogames
Consejos roleros basados en el videojuego Deus Ex.
Contenido de calidad rolera, oiga
#TTRPG #JuegosDeRol #JuegoDeRol #JdR #ConsejoRolero #ConsejosRoleros #TTRPGAdvice #DeusEx #VideoGame #Video #Tutorial
Con @piedrapapeld20
#ttrpg #juegosderol #juegoderol #jdr #consejorolero #consejosroleros #ttrpgadvice #deusex #videogame #video #tutorial
Jedna z moich ulubionych serii gier obchodzi pod koniec sierpnia podwójną rocznicę. Przed chwilą minęło 12 lat od premiery Deus Ex: Human Revolution i 7 od Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
Mimo ostatnich kłopotów Embracera wciąż mam naiwną nadzieję, że pod nowymi skrzydłami #EidosMontreal dostanie szansę na dokończenie historii Adama Jensena.
A przy okazji przypominam swój wspominkowy tekst o obu grach sprzed roku: https://cdaction.pl/publicystyka/deus-ex-wzloty-upadki-i-niepewna-przyszlosc-adama-jensena
#CDAction #gry #giereczkowo #gaming #DeusEx #AdamJensen #cyberpunk
#cyberpunk #adamjensen #deusex #gaming #giereczkowo #gry #cdaction #eidosmontreal
Good VGM 180 - Deus Ex: Human Revolution - After the Crash
#DeusEx #DeusExHumanRevolution #Eidos #rpg #VideoGameMusic #videogames #music #vgm
#vgm #Music #videogames #videogamemusic #RPG #eidos #DeusExHumanRevolution #deusex
Deus Ex MD re-play.
And with a click of the kill switch, it's done.
As I posted a few days ago, a good game that takes the strengths of its predecessor and builds on them.
Stil do much story left to conclude though, can't wait for the sequ...oh.
And with that I think I'm done with replaying my favourite games for a bit.
Deus Ex MD re-play.
Still can't square that the voice actor for Miller, your super serious boss in this, is Vernon Wells.
Y'know, Bennett from Commando and Wez from Mad Max 2.
So used to seeing him in over the top roles.
Deus Ex MD re-play.
I really should remember my ImSim rule 2*
Always check how long ago your last save was before deciding "fuck it, it's full on gunfight time."
*rule 1 is try 0451
Deus Ex MD re-play.
The cereal toy easter egg in Mankind Divided is probably my favourite reference to the previous game in this series.
Faridah canonically lives.
Deus Ex HR re-play.
Just tooling about wandering round Prague in the early part of the game.
This really is what i like to see from a sequel. Keeps the look of the previous game and polishes it.
Takes the mechanics and refines them, building on the foundation.
Streamlines some of the annoying things, like the addition of autocomplete passwords.
I think I may stretch this playthrough out with just wandering and soaking things in.
Deus Ex MD re-play.
Just starting the game and it makes me laugh every time that the guy giving you shit in the chopper at the beginning is Duane from Spaced/Pete from Shaun of the Dead.
Deus Ex HR re-play.
And that's the button pushed for the ending.
The last boss, Zhao, was really easy when I remembered lasers go through glass, bypassing most of the fight.
A decent game, with a bit of a weak ending.
Now to find my disc and install the sequel.
Deus Ex HR re-play.
Right, that's Malik saved. Now I can ditch this sniper rifle that's been clogging up my inventory for ages.
Other than for that part it's just not that useful a weapon type in this game.
Deus Ex HR re-play.
What me? save scum and try to kill Taggart at the convention centre?
Damn essential unkillable NPCs.
Deus Ex HR re-play.
Ah yes, the boss fights, the fucking boss fights, especially as I'm playing the vanilla basic edition.
Must remember to not switch the glitching chip out for the one much later on.
Deus Ex HR re-play.
Guess who forgot about the hostages in the first proper level.
This isn't going to be a perfect run either. Ah well.
So, the day I start re-playing the Deus Ex games the Worst of All Possible Worlds podcast puts up an interview with Jay Anthony Franke, the voice actor for JC Denton from the original game about his acting and QA work in the games industry.
I think for my next videogame series re-play, I'm going to play the Deus Ex games.
Only the Jensen ones though due to not having a pc that will run the original game.
I asked for this.
And before I start I will already say I'm still pissed off this series died for that shitty Avengers game.