Matplotlib named colors with Deuteranopia simulated colors.
Hey, has anyone ever checked what color normal little discrete LEDs are seen as being by colorblind people? (not the special ones in LED TV's and screens)
Given (unless I'm mistaken!) they often emit a different spectra than the combination of RGB phosphors/subpixels that—trichromats at least—see as being equivalent!
#electronics #tritanopia #protanopia #deuteranopia #colorblindness #accessibility
This week's #MapPromptMonday is about making #colorblind friendly maps (which I like, having a bit of #deuteranopia). Here is a #map of peruvians abroad, using the #OpenData from RENIEC, and having fun with a Mollweide projection.
#Rstats code at:
#mappromptmonday #colorblind #deuteranopia #map #opendata #rstats #peru
7% of men and 0.4% of women have some type of #colorblindness or alteration in color vision such as: #deuteranopia #protanopia #tritanopia #achromatopsia #monochromatism of blue cones. To take into account. I wrote about this topic in my blog in #naukas
#colorblindness #deuteranopia #protanopia #tritanopia #achromatopsia #monochromatism #naukas
Un 7% de varones y un 0,4% de mujeres tienen algún tipo de #daltonismo o alteración en la visión de color como: #deuteranopia #protanopia #tritanopia #acromatopsia #monocromatismo de conos azules. Para tener en cuenta. Lo conté en mi blog en #naukas
#daltonismo #deuteranopia #protanopia #tritanopia #acromatopsia #monocromatismo #naukas
#EmacsTip: #ModusThemes has two highly #accessible themes: #ModusOperandi (light) and #ModusVivendi (dark). It has many user options to customize the look, including options for people with problems like #deuteranopia. However, as #accessibility is the first, the themes are not very fancy. But you easily can customize anything, with a few lines of #EmacsLisp. It has an awesome manual with everything you'll need.
#emacstip #modusthemes #accessible #modusoperandi #ModusVivendi #deuteranopia #accessibility #emacslisp #emacs #theme #EmacsTheme
Good lord… this is all so true #deuteranopia
@knitcodemonkey @elisechant This is the real point. Making a view colorblind friendly is easy. You could almost put the rules on a single 3x5 card.
Avoid Brown, Purple.
Ensure contrast range is higher than 40%
Avoid red near green and blue near yellow.
When it's close, use icons and borders