CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
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Report: Nigerian Central Bank Sued for Dollarizing Economy - In a lawsuit filed by a Nigerian human rights activist, the country’s central bank... - (cbn)

#africa #usdollars #femifalana #devaluation #dollarization #nairadepreciation #centralbankofnigeria

Last updated 1 year ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
684 followers · 36997 posts · Server
CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
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CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
687 followers · 36410 posts · Server

Argentine Peso Plunges to Historic Lows as Uncertainty Rules Before Elections - The exchange rate of the Argentine peso reached historic lows Monday in a decline ... -

#imf #cpi #news #pesos #argetine #inflation #elections #argentina #sergiomassa #devaluation

Last updated 1 year ago

Good World | Exploding |

5 Things You Should Know About |

Calling ALL 's! | Fatherless |

Household Rates |

And the Effects of | 2017 | Reasons:

* Greater Social Acceptance of Non-Traditional

* Of | Change in and Hearings that tend to .

* Benefits that Single Parent households.

5 Things You Should Know.

1. Fatherless homes are becoming more common.

2. Fatherless homes are more prevalent among certain groups.

3. Children without fathers are more likely to be & .

4. Children without Fathers are more Likely to have issues.

5. Please Help. Millennial's need to the trend of Fatherless Homes.

Effects of Fatherlessness

75% Adolescents Chemical Abuse Centers

70% Juveniles state Operated Institutions

85% of children exhibit behavior disorders

63% Youth Suicides

85% Prison population -Fatherless

71% pregnant teens come from single parent households


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#MORNING #epidemic #Fatherless #homes #millennial #Biological #children #Single_Parent #Fatherlessness #families #devaluation #marriage #custody #laws #DISADVANTAGE #fathers #government #Subsidize #poor #Uneducated #behavioral #STOP #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

Good World | Exploding |

5 Things You Should Know About |

Calling ALL 's! | Fatherless |

Household Rates |

And the Effects of | 2017 | Reasons:

* Greater Social Acceptance of Non-Traditional

* Of | Change in and Hearings that tend to .

* Benefits that Single Parent households.

5 Things You Should Know.

1. Fatherless homes are becoming more common.

2. Fatherless homes are more prevalent among certain groups.

3. Children without fathers are more likely to be & .

4. Children without Fathers are more Likely to have issues.

5. Please Help. Millennial's need to the trend of Fatherless Homes.

Effects of Fatherlessness

75% Adolescents Chemical Abuse Centers

70% Juveniles state Operated Institutions

85% of children exhibit behavior disorders

63% Youth Suicides

85% Prison population -Fatherless

71% pregnant teens come from single parent households


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading) ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite); ® (); ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#MORNING #epidemic #Fatherless #homes #millennial #Biological #children #Single_Parent #Fatherlessness #families #devaluation #marriage #custody #laws #DISADVANTAGE #fathers #government #Subsidize #poor #Uneducated #behavioral #STOP #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 1 year ago

Rantanplan · @cromargaen
6 followers · 25 posts · Server

From Bloomberg, its seems like its over for the $. More ahead. Good for the developing countries.

"It just may have been the week that broke the dollar."

"...saying a turning point is finally at hand for the world’s primary reserve currency. If they’re right, there will be far-reaching consequences for global economies and financial markets."

How can we / this?

#ignore #underestimate #devaluation #usd

Last updated 1 year ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
544 followers · 28495 posts · Server
Latest News · @News
10 followers · 6095 posts · Server

Soft peg is a necessary arrangement, otherwise, there are chances that the IMF will fail in Sri Lanka.: By Hema Senanayake

IMF has an ideology, a system of ideas and ideals which forms the basis of its decisions and policy prescriptions for which the recipient country of the loan claims as of its own. The most important idea does not originate from economic theory but international trade theories instead.

The Great Recession of 2008 –…

#features #devaluation

Last updated 1 year ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
484 followers · 23329 posts · Server

Argentina Debates Dollarization in the Midst of Rampant Devaluation and Inflation - Javier Milei, a presidential candidate for the next election in Argentina, has pre... - .s.dollar

#inflation #economics #u #javiermilei #devaluation #dollarization #argentinepeso

Last updated 2 years ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
478 followers · 22986 posts · Server

Latam Insights: Argentine Peso Plunges, Venezuela and Russia to Develop SWIFT Alternative, Bitcoin Mining Still Paused in Venezuela - Welcome to Latam Insights, a compendium of the most relevant crypto and economic d... -

#swift #russia #yvangil #bitcoin #usdollar #venezuela #inflation #corpoelec #argentina #devaluation #sergeylavrov

Last updated 2 years ago

Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
19 followers · 86 posts · Server

There’s really no difference between the pedestal () and the it’s all your fault POS status (). While one feels better than the other, both are equally meaningless. They’re just different versions of the same . The carrot and the stick are one and the same to the .

Meaning, both conditions can’t simultaneously be true. You can’t be the most amazing, special-est man/woman ever and the most horrible person ever. Especially when a , or partner vacillates between the two extremes multiple times within the same hour.

But which one is true? Again, neither.

So many clients are easily manipulated by the mercurial opinion of their , or partner. It's the reason they walk on eggshells. -ed people don’t have a cohesive, stable sense of themselves (i.e., ). Hence their rage and perceived at the smallest and/or imaginary slight or criticism. As such, their construct of other people – including you -- is similarly unstable.

“You bought me a new car!!! Yay!!! I love you!!! Thank you, daddy!!!! Best daddy ever!!!!!”

“You won’t let me have a third cookie!!!! Mean mommy!!! I hate you!!!!!”

Therefore, any approval from a BPD, HPD or NPD person is meaningless if it can change on a dime. This becomes a manipulation tactic once they figure out the power they can wield by alternating withholding love or blowing smoke up your butt (i.e., variable ratio reinforcement schedule).

It’s all the same to them.

In my experience, these individuals enjoy being cruel more and resent having to love bomb or . The overt cruelty is more enjoyable because of the contempt they feel for you for tolerating their abuse. I also suspect it makes them feel more powerful when their victim grovels for love. Contemptuous and powerful.

Furthermore, healthy adults don't change their opinion of you just because they occasionally feel irritated, hurt or disappointed by you. In fact, healthy adults can still love and respect their partner even when they’re super angry with them. And can do so without engaging in wanton cruelty or childish nonsense. Imagine that!

If you're still trying to make it work with a disordered partner because you don't think you can live without their approval, please understand that for which you’re tolerating abuse IS NOT REAL. It’s your codependency and need for external validation from someone who'll never be capable of giving it to you that's real. They'll continue to exploit your vulnerabilities and abuse you for as long as you're willing to suffer it and them.

#lovebombing #idealization #devaluation #manipulation #codependent #peoplepleaser #borderline #narcissist #histrionic #bpd #npd #hpd #clusterb #personalitydisorder #construct #victimhood #hoover #abusehasnogender #themoreyouknow

Last updated 2 years ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
407 followers · 17229 posts · Server
CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
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CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
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Snagburz · @snagburz
1 followers · 138 posts · Server

That's the meaning of of 💵 💵💵::
😆 😆 😆

#devaluation #money

Last updated 2 years ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
356 followers · 12758 posts · Server
allow · @allow
0 followers · 13 posts · Server

Canadian dollar set to rival the US$ this year

#usd #forex #cad #cadusd #economics #devaluation

Last updated 2 years ago

@economyandspace · @economyandspace
30 followers · 5 posts · Server
CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
304 followers · 8673 posts · Server

Cryptocurrency Rose Ranks in Popularity as Investment Option in Chile in 2022 - Cryptocurrencies rose in popularity in Chile, according to a survey from global co... - &company

#chile #bonds #stocks #finance #inflation #realestate #investments #devaluation #bain #cryptocurrency #investmentfunds

Last updated 2 years ago