I think I'm just getting over the discombobulation of my first experience of #gamescom. I would actually like to return next year with a better understanding of how it works, what to expect and how to plan for it. I made some amazing contacts. It was still a bit overwhelming. The sheer size of #koelnmesse, a complex half a kilometre long, was confusing too! Definitely coming back for #devcom too, I only got one day of Devcom. Ich have auch mein Deutsch ein bisschen verbessern!
The previous tweet brought to you by my bored self waiting for a flight home in the wee hours.
Thanks #devcom and #gamescom - it's been fun! I met a lot of new people, spoke some bad German and some mediocre Japanese, gave a talk which received the appropriate perfunctory applause, and consumed way too many things which contained meat and/or potatoes and/or beer.
Excited to go home 😅
And that’s a wrap for #devcom! We had a great time meeting you all, thanks so much for stopping by our booth!
Special thanks to @molecularmusing for being an all-around awesome human being, made the whole experience even more awesome!
On my way home from #devcom.
Shared my first booth experience with the guys from @superluminal and I can't tell you just how lovely, nice and supportive these guys are!
I made new friends in a matter of 4 days and it truly feels like we've known each other for much longer.
The last panel direction for me was with my colleagues from #Ukraibe - #Unpaused Thanks for sharing your stories with #ddc2023 and reminding the war is not over, but Ukraine is strong Olga Khomenko (PlayToMax), Sasha Kononenko (Values Value), Elena Lobova (GDBAY) , Iryna Somka @gamesgathering , Oleg Yavorsky (VG Entertainment) , Vitalii Zubkov (Marevo collectiv)
#ukraibe #unpaused #ddc2023 #gamedev #StandWithUkraine #gamescom2023 #devcom
The #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #devcom panel was so much fun for us and the audience. Such a supportive group of people. The entire 50 minute talk was 100% Q&A. We could have continued answering questions for hours. Left to right: Paul Toderas (moderator), Zoé Nguyen Thanh (artist), Dave Grossman (co-designer/writer), Ron Gilbert (creator, co-designer/writer), David Fox (lead game programmer), Rex Crowle (art director)
Ebenfalls auf der #devcom ausgestellt wird das prämierte "Tom the Postgirl" von @oopsiedaisiesCH. Wir werden das Team aber erst später auf der gamescom besuchen. Deswegen: Adventure-Treff Startseite verfolgen sowie Twitter und Podcast abonnieren nicht vergessen. -sg - https://twitter.com/AdventureTreff/status/1693890728189923516
First day of #devcom #DDC2023 It was a good one! Kickstarted with amazing talk about UX from @annabrandberg and finished with inspirational one from @rednettle ! With exciting round table hosted by @rednettle and insights from Jason Hickey about AI. Some nice presentations from Erik Peterson (Valve, Steam), Al Yang (NeoBards) and Valentina Tamer (Ubisoft Paris).
No one linked their Mastodon accounts though 🙃
Btw, @gamesgathering in Kyiv does not yield to #ddc 😏
Fund auf der #devcom: In Tiny Bookshop von @neoludic nimmt man die Rolle eines:r Buchhändler:in ein. Mit der Zeit lernt man dabei die Leute des kleinen Örtchens kennen. Ein bisschen Management ist dabei, aber die Steuerung ist klassisches Point'nKlick und damit super zugänglich. - https://twitter.com/AdventureTreff/status/1693606510625005815
Best Panel during #devcom
Beneath The Return of Monkey Island. @grumpygamer @DavidBFox @phrenopolis
The Marin Computer Center is one of the subjects Annie Fox and I will talk about during our #devcom Fireside Chat Monday at 5pm, moderated by Kate Edwards.
From: @DavidBFox
If you're going to devcom, stop by the Return to Monkey Island talk and say "hi", or heckle, it keeps us on our toes.
Join us at #couragecologne event at #devcom in Cologne.
Our precious detective cat #AlbertWildeQuantumPI will be there 🐈🔎
More info https://courage.events/event/courage-cologne-2023/
Stay tuned and wishlist on https://store.steampowered.com/app/1810670/Albert_Wilde_Quantum_PI/
#news #couragecologne #devcom #albertwildequantumpi