Employment in the #Philippines for those with #developmentalandintellectualdisabilities is almost nill. As an #asdparent, I constantly worry about where my child will be and how he'll live when I'm gone.
#philippines #developmentalandintellectualdisabilities #asdparent
Yesterday evening, we lost #disabled artist and #disability rights champion, Lois Curtis. Lois was one of the two plantiffs in the groundbreaking Supreme Court case Olmstead vs L.C. that set the standard that disabled people deserve to live in the community and not be siphoned to institutions.
#OlmsteadVsLC #DisabilityRights #DevelopmentalAndIntellectualDisabilities #DisabledAncestors #BlackDisabledLeaders
#blackdisabledleaders #disabledancestors #developmentalandintellectualdisabilities #disabilityrights #olmsteadvslc #disability #disabled