Talk highlight: Lessons learned: how to leverage your "non-technical" experience by Nicole Tibaldi
Think about the best engineer you’ve worked with. Did they have a computer science degree? Was all of their professional work experience in tech? Were their technical skills the most important of their abilities? It’s likely your answer to some – or all – of those questions is “no.”
Talk highlight: Pierre Bourdieu's Capital Theory in IT or Newest Snakeoil by Jaakko Koivula
Explore sociology’s untapped potential in software development! Using Pierre Bourdieu’s Capital Theory, gain fresh insights into team and shareholder dynamics. Also, find out if I’m actually serious or making a point. (No knowledge of sociology required.)
Talk highlight: Pierre Bourdieu's Capital Theory in IT or Newest Snakeoil by Jaakko Koivula
Explore sociology’s untapped potential in software development! Using Pierre Bourdieu’s Capital Theory, gain fresh insights into team and shareholder dynamics. Also, find out if I’m actually serious or making a point. (No knowledge of sociology required.)
Talk highlight: Design research and UX in humanitarian and human rights technologies by Eriol Fox
How to approach UX design research for technology/services that empower & give access to people in the global south or ‘developing countries’ around difficult topics like genocide, democracy, gender-based violence or in circumstances such as informal settlements (slums) & extremism.
TechBash just announced THREE great keynotes for TechBash 2023. In addition, there's a limited time savings code. Learn more about both at
#techbash #techbash2023 #keynotes #devconf #dotnet #dotnetconf #techkeynote #dev #devevent #webdev
#techbash #techbash2023 #keynotes #devconf #dotnet #dotnetconf #techkeynote #dev #devevent #webdev
Good news!
We now offer discounted tickets to students and faculty members. Find the details on our tickets page.
Do you run a user group or other meet-up? Would you like a discount code to #oh2023 for your members?
If so, please get in touch here or over email (!
There's just 60 days left on standard pricing and hotel discounts for TechBash. Get your tickets and rooms today! Grab details at
#techbash #devconference #webdevconference #webdevevent #dotnetevent #dotnet #devevent #devconf #webconference #devtraining #developers #developer #dev
#techbash #devconference #webdevconference #webdevevent #dotnetevent #dotnet #devevent #devconf #webconference #devtraining #developers #developer #dev
Happening tomorrow is Beer City Code in Grand Rapids. You can learn more about this at You can find more events like this by visiting
#beercitycode #softwaredeveloper #devevent #devconference #devconf #appdev #webdev #softwaredevconference
#beercitycode #SoftwareDeveloper #devevent #devconference #devconf #appdev #webdev #softwaredevconference
We still have great sponsorship opportunities available for TechBash 2023. Read more about it at
#techbash #sponsorship #sponsors #sponsorships #techsponsor #websponsor #websponsors #webdev #developerconference #devconf #developerconf #webdevconf #webevent #devevent
#techbash #sponsorship #sponsors #sponsorships #techsponsor #websponsor #websponsors #webdev #developerconference #devconf #developerconf #webdevconf #webevent #devevent
TechBash 2023 Sponsorships Available by @jasongaylord.
#developers #sponsor #devcommunity #nepa #devconference #poconos #conference #devEvent
#developers #sponsor #devcommunity #nepa #devconference #poconos #conference #devevent
TODAY IS THE FINAL DAY! GET YOUR EARLY BIRD TICKETS NOW for TechBash 2023! Save $100. Learn more here:
#techbash #techbash2023 #techbash23 #devconference #webdev #webdevconference #developerconference #webdevevents #webdevevent #developerevent #devevent
#techbash #techbash2023 #techbash23 #devconference #webdev #webdevconference #developerconference #webdevevents #webdevevent #developerevent #devevent
Last call! Oh the Humanity! conference's #CFP closes today. If you have a talk about how to build software for the benefit of humanity or how to advance social justice in IT, this is a great opportunity to get your voice heard.
You can find more information about the CFP here:
Oh the Humanity! will be held on October 13th in Helsinki.
It's the final week of our CFP! If you have not yet submitted your awesome talk, you still have until Friday.
OH!2023 is a human-centered software developers' conference. If you have a talk about how developers can help humanity thrive, how to advance social justice in developer communities or how to create services that are Time Well Spent, consider submitting to our CFP.
Read more from our site:
#cfp #devevent #humancenteredtechnology
It's the final week of our CFP! If you have not yet submitted your awesome talk, you still have until Friday.
OH!2023 is a human-centered software developers' conference. If you have a talk about how developers can help humanity thrive, how to advance social justice in developer communities or how to create services that are Time Well Spent, consider submitting to our CFP.
Read more from our site:
#cfp #devevent #humancenteredtechnology
Get an introduction to accessibility from @CorgiDev at TechBash 2023.
Early bird registration ends July 4th, so register today & join us Nov 7-11 at Kalahari Resorts & Convention Center in the #Poconos
#devconference #accessibility #developers #testing #softwaredev #devevent #devcommunity #Development #SoftwareDevelopment
#poconos #devconference #accessibility #developers #testing #softwaredev #devevent #devcommunity #development #softwaredevelopment
Get your 4-day Early Bird registration for TechBash 2023 by July 4th and attend this duo of half-day workshops with @careypayette and Yosef Arbiv.
#opentelemetry #azure #MLOps #cloud #webdev #monitoring #workshop #devconference #developers #devEvent
#opentelemetry #azure #mlops #cloud #webdev #monitoring #workshop #devconference #developers #devevent