The VC panel is talking about how important the community is for their investment decisions. Again, this is why #devrel is so important to your company NOT normal marketing.
I still hold that one of your first 15 hires needs to be a senior devrel person. They help designing community friendly projects. They help insure you are building something users love.
Now they just said you need to nail developer experience. They are doing my work for me
There way more collared shirtsat this event than I am used to. Got to keep reminding myself this is the business of FOSS event NOT a tech heavy event. I find it really engaging and interesting, just an observation
Nick from #dbt points out that your first two sales hires need to be experienced senior person.
Start ups would do well to do the same thing for developer relations.
Everything on this slide is similar to #devrel.
He also says be ready to pay for this and then they are worth it. If you can't afford it then you are not ready to start a sales org and invest that money elsewhere.
Overall this is an amazing talk (and for devrel) and now you owe bc I couldn't pay full attention 😄
Maybe the lack of seeing people I know is the audience for HeavyBit - more vc/founder heavy than my typical circles