Second candle burns
Christmas art the code churns
Ho-ho machine learns
#devhaiku #advent #christmas #machinelearning
The screen is frozen
like frosty December ice.
Time for hard reset.
They shared the source code.
Display your thankfulness and
file that bug report.
#devhaiku #thanksgiving #opensource
When the Maintainer
Thanks for your contribution
Fuzzy warm feelings
Processes slows down
like fallen leaves decaying.
Proud to see it grow,
as any father this day.
Not just code to you.
Unseen as father.
Although you birthed the code,
yet a day not thanked.
Not even November rain
Dampens that commute
CVE alert
Spookier than Halloween
Wake up SRE
Add a small comment
Sipping smooth pumpkin latte
Saved maintainer hours
A surprise PR
Turns dark autumn morning bright
Test pass, merge to main
Hack in October
Just a competitive hunt,
or for a good cause?