Hi hi hi!!!! #introduction again! I signed up to #follow a bunch of people I followed on the bird app again and I hope to keep finding dearly missed conversation here. I write about #food #race and #history I have three #books going one called #deviantmatter another about WilliamGoldman and another about race and belonging and taste and palate and foods that travel. it doesn't have a name yet.
#deviantmatter #Books #History #Race #Food #follow #Introduction
A big part of #deviantmatter my second monograph, is writing a #history of #hygiene as a diffuse state affect and aesthetic. Writing about atmospheres is hard! But also writing about state archives is brutally dull. Then I realized that what was blocking my writing was exactly the problem that I was trying to describe: that the diffusion of a disciplinary aesthetic and affect is the source of its power. #historians #literature #biopower #c19 #food #foodstudies #race
#Race #foodstudies #Food #c19 #biopower #literature #historians #hygiene #History #deviantmatter