"Pourquoi traiter ce qui peut être évité ? De meilleurs résultats de survie au cancer sont importants, mais il est essentiel de prévenir le développement du #cancer – par #DeviSridhar
Et si on interdisait enfin la nourriture ultra transformée?
#Diseaseprevention #publichealth #transformedfood #ultratransformedfood #foodethics
#foodethics #ultratransformedfood #transformedfood #publichealth #diseaseprevention #devisridhar #cancer
"After Brexit, if Sunak really wants a ‘science superpower’, he must fix these three things," says Devi Sridhar.
This is a rhetorical point, as these things are not fixable with #Brexit. To do so would require at the very least full membership of #HorizonEurope, and the restoration of #FreeMovement.
#brexit #horizoneurope #freemovement #science #devisridhar
BBC hypocrasy in plain sight:
#devisridhar #propaganda #bbc_bias #bbc #bbc_hypocrites